3. Cat Parents

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Chapter 3: Cat Parents

Bella slipped into consciousness as she felt multiple spots of pressure on her stomach

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Bella slipped into consciousness as she felt multiple spots of pressure on her stomach. She flickered her eyes open to see a black fur ball with eager eyes standing on top of her.

"What James?" Bella grumbled.

The cat sat down puffing his chest out, he had taken offense to her hostility.

Harry had gifted the creature to Bella in fourth year for her birthday (he was appalled that she didn't have a pet). Therefore, Bella named James after Harry's middle name. Which brought another thought to Bella's mind, today Harry would go to his hearing.

Bella scanned her room; her friends were asleep. The window still had its curtains drawn open, allowing Bella to see the dark blue sky, letting her know the city of London was just now awakening. She always felt a sense of nostalgia on the rare occasion she would awaken at dawn, but she couldn't exactly pinpoint why.

For the past six days, Bella had spent time with the witches and wizards crowding her house. She was a very sociable person, so she enjoyed the company, especially since it was usually just Emmeline and her.

Bella had played wizards chess, read, conversed, walked about London, and eaten Mrs. Weasley's delicious cooking. Not to mention, she had also taken to speaking with Harry as much as possible.

Bella ran her fingers through James's soft fur, "I'm getting up now." She whispered.

James bounded off her, making her lurch from the large amount of force he had put into her stomach. He was an arrogant cat, Bella liked to think he got it from Harry, but she knew the trait was passed on by herself.

Bella swiveled her legs off her bed, placing her feet on the dark wood floor, cringing as it creaked when she stood. She tiptoed out of her room, careful not to awaken Hermione, who was sleeping beside her, and Ginny, who was snoozed on a pullout bed.

As Bella neared the kitchen door at the end of the staircase, she could hear light chatter. James appeared beside her, rubbing against her leg which was exposed due to her exceedingly small pajama shorts.

Bella pushed the kitchen door open, however only Sirius had noticed her. She held a finger to her lips, and he quickly looked away from her, Bella crept up behind Harry who was eating breakfast (well more like staring at it).

"BOO!" She shouted while violently grabbing his shoulders.

Harry jumped, making Bella laugh.

"Eff you." Said Harry, breathlessly.

"You look like you're gonna be sick, Harry James." Bella said.

Sirius ruffled Bella's hair as she sat down beside Harry, "How polite. Good morning, little B." He said.

"Your niece is a twat, did you know that?" Harry said looking up at Sirius.

Sirius tutted, "A twat that actually got you to look like you don't want to die since you woke up."

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