1. Crookshanks's Revenge

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Chapter 1: Crookshanks's Revenge

The hottest day of Summer so far had drawn to a close and the sounds of crickets and distant car horns lay over the townhouses of Grimmauld Place

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The hottest day of Summer so far had drawn to a close and the sounds of crickets and distant car horns lay over the townhouses of Grimmauld Place. Any onlooker would see the glowing windows and think nothing of them, perhaps the thought of going inside for a glass of water to escape the drought may cross their mind. Or they would think it was a bit odd how there was no building labeled 12 between 13 and 14, but other than that, there was nothing conspicuous about the townhouses.

However, for those who were aware that number 12 Grimmauld Place existed, the view was slightly different. A small girl sat in the third-floor window belonging to number 12.

She had dirty-blonde hair, big green eyes, and a bright smile. Her black tights were ripped, her tiny jean shorts were held up by a belt, and her top matched the black chunky boots on her feet.

Bella Black was unaware the street was not as empty as it was the last time she had glanced away from her friends to look outside. There was now a group of 10 people, among them one of Bella's best friends, Harry Potter. He had taken notice of the slight difference in the townhouses.

Bella watched as Ron paced back and forth, knowing Harry would arrive any moment, "Oh come on, Ron! Stop stressing out you're luscious red locks are going to fall out." She joked.

Hermione who was seated on Bella's bed with Crookshanks in her lap, had the same worried look on her face.

Ron stopped in his tracks, "How can I not worry? He's going to be bloody pissed." He said.

Ginny was leaned against the bed post, looking into the crackling fire, "Well, that's inevitable." she said coolly.

Ron kicked a Bertie Bott's bean into the fire, "Yeah, I suppose he's bound to have a bit of a tantrum..."

Bella pulled her knees into her chest, sinking further into her nook. She gazed outside, the street just as untouched and still as it was before. Although she was doing her best to not show it, she too was nervous to see Harry again.

As if that thought had escaped her mind and tumbled right downstairs, there was a loud knocking at her bedroom door. Bella swiveled her legs to the ground.

Hermione jolted, making Crookshanks pounce off her lap offendedly, "I'll get it." she said, quickly making her way to the door and swinging it open.

Half expecting Mrs. Weasley, it was a bit of a shock when a tall, raven-haired, green-eyed boy was standing in the doorframe, now being hugged by Hermione, "Harry!" She squealed.

"We tried to owl you as much as we could, I mean dementors in Little Whinging? What on earth! Was the ministry up to this? I looked it up and they simply cannot expel you. Well, anyway are you all, right?" Hermione rambled.

Harry ignored Hermione, instead looking around the room. Bella watched him take in the various aspects of her bedroom: black wood furniture, lofty ceilings, striped wallpaper, and a poster bed. Along with the things Bella had littered the room with such as, posters, Slytherin merchandise, and quidditch supplies. His eyes looked up from the pile of Honeydukes sweets scattered on the floor in front of the fireplace.

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