7. Eat leaves

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Chapter 7: Eat Leaves

The next morning, Bella awoke a bit earlier than usual

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The next morning, Bella awoke a bit earlier than usual. Her dorm mates, Grace, Pansy, Daphne, and Tracey were already awake and getting ready for the day. Bella couldn't help but smile as she looked around the familiar dorm; the five twin beds draped in green and white sheets were each framed by a poster bed with curtains attached, in the middle of the room a was a circular heater with scarves and socks tossed around the rim of it. Bella figured they were lucky to get one of the dorms just above the black lake, it meant they got an amazing view as well as a decent amount of sunlight.

"Look who it is, our favorite Gryffindor." Daphne smirked.

Daphne looked much like her sister, Grace, face-wise. They both had blue eyes and sharper features, however, daphne had shoulder length blonde hair which set them apart. They were born within twelve months of each other, making them Irish twins.

"Huh?" Bella grew confused by the comment.

"Daphne's right," said Pansy, "you're always with Potter, Weaselby, and mudblood."

Bella furrowed her brows, "Watch it." she said.

Before the quarrel escalated, Bella made her way to the bathroom, joining Grace's side. She splashed her face with the chilly sink water.

"So, Draco told me he saw a little something last night..." Grace smirked as she applied a rosy blush to her cheeks.

Bella cut her eyes at Grace, "He misinformed you."

"He said something about..." Grace said slowly. "A kiss."

"It wasn't anything at all!" Bella nullified her statement, "It wasn't even on the lips, I simply kissed Harry on the cheek before we departed."

"Well, why not on the lips?" Grace asked, dissatisfied with her response.

"We. Are. Friends." Bella glared at the mirror, beginning to brush her teeth.

Grace rolled her eyes, "Now you're just lying to yourself."

"Easy for you to say, you have a boyfriend!" Bella said, her mouth now full of toothpaste muffling her words.

"That's not rele-"

"Just friends!" Bella said, holding a finger up at Grace.

"Oh hush!" Grace huffed, "Anyway, did you hear about Umbridge's speech?"

"Sorta." Bella said, and Grace explained exactly what Umbridge said. Bella was quite confused by the entire thing, having to ask many further questions about it. Bella then told Grace about her dragon egg, assuring she wouldn't tell any one else.

In the time Grace and Bella talked, she finished brushing her teeth and applied light makeup. Typically, she wore none, but since it was the first day of school she figured, why not? She had also decided in honor of it being the first day, she would do her hair in loose curls.

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