13. Weasley is Our King

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Chapter 13: Weasley is Our King

"That's enough for today!" Bella shouted out, her voice ringing throughout the quidditch pitch

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"That's enough for today!" Bella shouted out, her voice ringing throughout the quidditch pitch.

She ended practice as she felt the fake galleon in her pocket growing warm. Hermione had placed the Protean charm on a load of fake galleons so each member of Dumbledore's Army would have one. The numbers on the bottom of the galleon would change to the time and date of the next meeting, and the coins would grow warm when the date was upon them.

"Okay everyone," Bella clasped her hands together as the team gathered around, all worn out, "first game against Gryffindor this Saturday. I expect each one of you to put your best foot forward. I know most of you don't like me, but don't let that get in the way of us winning."

They all grumbled in response, turning to leave as if she had gone on some long boring rampage. Other than Carl, who grinned with excitement and walked up to Bella.

"I won't let you down." Carl beamed, pushing his sleek black hair out of his face.

Though Bella was shorter than him, she somehow felt taller, "I know you won't." said Bella. "Hey Carl?"

"What's up?"

"What are your thoughts on Umbridge?" asked Bella.

Carl huffed, "I hate her, more than anything."

Bella's eyes lit up, "And what about Voldemort?"

"You know who?" Carl looked shocked, "what about him?

"Your thoughts on him."

"I started believing he was back the day you told me and my table the rumor was true..." Carl shrugged, "plus, it's becoming more obvious. At least that's what my older brother Chester says."

"Um..." Bella paused in thought for a moment, "would you consider rebelling and learning the dark arts?"

Carl's eyes widened, "Hell yeah."

On the way to the Room of Requirement (which was the official name of the room according to Dobby, who paid Harry a visit), Bella told Carl all about their group. She knew she could trust him; she only hoped the others would as well. Carl was exhilarated by the idea, his brown eyes darted around excitedly as they snuck into the doorway. The room was full of students, since Bella was late, they were already practicing spells Harry had taught them throughout the first few weeks of November.

"Bella!" Hermione said, immediately scowling as she laid eyes on the third year Slytherin.

"Mione, hey!" Bella grinned sheepishly. "This is Carl, trust me he's on our side- he wants to fight, right Carl?"

Carl looked nervous as he nodded eagerly. Hermione looked between the two of them offendedly. Harry strode over to them after helping Parvati with a spell.

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