12. The Room of Self Reflection

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Chapter 12: The Room of Self Reflection

Bella awoke the next morning surrounded by complete darkness

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Bella awoke the next morning surrounded by complete darkness. Everything from the previous night came back to her, a headache forming as the memories filled her mind. She and Harry had gone into the mysterious closet, talked for a while, and apparently fallen asleep.

"Wait..." Bella whispered aloud to herself as she realized she was on a bed.

I really need some light, thought Bella, and with that a lamp flicked on. As light filled the room, Bella saw it was more spacious than it had previously been; it was empty other than the bed she was on and the table with the lamp atop it.

Bella looked beside her and saw Harry was fast asleep, she watched his chest rise and fall for a moment, feeling the urge to have some sort of contact with him.

Her mind began to wander as she stared at Harry, he had seen her in her underwear before, but nothing like what she had on the previous night. She wondered what he thought of it, probably nothing because of Cho.

Cho... how lucky she was. Bella hated that she envied her. She got to be Harry's girl, she got to have his hands wrapped around her waist, grasping onto her. Bella felt her insides squirming. She got to feel his breath against her neck as she danced, she got to press her body against his, feeling every bit of him instead of being a girl he saw as just a friend.

Bella remembered how Harry looked at her when she was being kissed by Dean, she wasn't sure what to make of it, but she hoped he were wishing it was him.

At the mere thought of this Bella's hand wandered down her body, using her knuckle to put pressure on her building arousal. She closed her eyes, sinking further under the covers. She could feel Harry's warmth beside her, and she could smell him too, that same scent she had inhaled on the broomstick. No, wake him up, what are you doing, he's your friend!

Before she had the chance to act on this, an alarm clock appeared on the table, ringing loudly. Bella pulled her hand up, shutting it off with panic.

Harry shifted, blinking his eyes open looking worn out.

"Morning..." said Bella, shamefully.

Harry pushed his hands under his glasses and rubbed his eyes as he sat up, resting his head against the wall behind them, "Morning." He said in a raspy voice.

"Harry, do you know what's going on with this room?" asked Bella.

"I think it turns into whatever you need or something..." Harry looked around, "last night I thought it would be nice to have a bed, and the closet transformed to this."

Bella's eyes widened as she got an idea, "Let me try something..." she said, Harry gave her a confused look as she squeezed her eyes shut.

Give us a place to practice fighting, somewhere we can form an army. She thought determinedly.

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