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lii - I never was the best to you.

3rd of July, 2023, Los Angeles


Gracie was drunk.

Well, shit faced would probably be the more appropriate term. Absolutely plastered. Juiced up on Everclear. Liquid courage, right?

"And-and-and- I poured my entire heart out to her, like- like all of it," Gracie rambled, "And she's not- she's not even responding to me now?"

"Right..." Taylor replied in one long, drawn out word, sipping slowly on her chardonnay.

At least one of them had to be clear headed.

Did Gracie accidentally let it slip that their relationship was contractual? Perhaps, but Gracie trusted Taylor - who should understand out of everybody - with her life.

"Like who does that? I mean- I mean, really, who does that?" Gracie continued, downing shot after shot of, well, um, she didn't even know what kind of liquor she was consuming anymore.

"Do you think maybe she has a reason? Like she's not ignoring you on purpose? Maybe her phone's dead," Taylor justified, "She doesn't really seem like the person to just ghost you."

"Well then why wouldn't she charge it?" Gracie quipped, "It's been hours, Tay."

"Maybe she fell asleep? I mean, It was a pretty long flight," Taylor reasoned.

"I'm not gonna lie to you Tay, I really thought you were gonna be on my side here," Gracie whined.

"I'm not picking sides, Gracie. I just think you might be misunderstanding," Taylor corrected, "Just, try not to jump to conclusions, okay?"

"Mhm, yeah, okay sure," Gracie nodded, halfheartedly.

She wanted to bang her head on the table and maybe pass out. Then never wake up.


When the morning came, it came like a missile. Gracie didn't know how, but she was tucked in her own bed in her apartment. There was a bottle of aspirin on her nightstand with a note attached to it that read, 'I know you're probably gonna need this in the morning, lots of love, Taylor'.

And boy, was she right. Every headache Gracie had ever had before that moment felt like child's play, and she ran to her bathroom to expel the entirely alcoholic contents of her stomach in her porcelain throne.

"Fuck," She muttered under her breath once she was done, wiping her mouth with a square of toilet paper.

"Well good morning young drunkard," Audrey greeted, leaning against the doorframe of Gracie's ensuite with her arms crossed against her chest, "Wanna explain to me why Taylor motherfucking Swift showed up here last night holding you up by your shoulders so you wouldn't pass out on the pavement at two in the morning? I was in my robe, with pimple patches on my face. In front of Taylor. Mother. Fucking. Swift."

"Audrey, could you please speak a little quieter," Gracie begged, leaning back against the wall of her bathroom while her chest heaved.

"Girl, what the fuck, no?! You went on an all night bender, with Taylor motherfucking Swift, mind you, without a word of where you were or when you would be back. Gracie, I was worried sick!" Audrey reprimanded, "The two of us had to drag you up the stairs and literally tuck you into bed like you're a child!"

"I was just-" Gracie opened her mouth to speak, desperately wanting to tell her best friend all that she was feeling, how her world felt like it was falling apart, but then she remembered.

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