Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
The Cortex, S.T.A.R Labs
Dan's PoV

"This is amazing!" Caitilin exclaimed as she and Henry performed an examination on Barry and I, "Your bodies have healed faster than Barry has ever healed."

"Must have given him a slight Speed Force boost to help, while Wally might have done the same for me," I lied, grateful I'd dropped my most obvious tells. I doubt a team of super geniuses would believe in magic, and even if they did, Constantine is like that friend you never want your other friends to meet. Thankfully, Barry didn't see what I did.

"That might have happened," Harry said as he sipped his coffee.

"Black Siren's locked up in the pipeline, right?" Barry asked as Wally nodded, "Great job both of you."

Wally beamed as I also let out a small smile at the praise.

"If you excuse me, Imma gloat in front of her. You coming, Axel?" Wally said as my smile grew wider. I could get used to that.

"I can't say no to a little childishness now, can I?" I said, "That chick's blown my eardrum out like two or three times today, a little payback is needed."

"Wait, what did you do when Zoom tried to follow Wally?" Iris asked as Wally and I looked towards each other with wide smiles, before turning to the rest of the Team.

"We wanted to use Lego at first, but we found a better solution," I said, holding up some of the extra jacks that we grabbed from the toy store, placed some Blu Tac on the jacks to make them stick to the soles, then dropped a whole bunch of them on the road, as well as some nice, big marbles.

"Speaking of which, I don't suppose I could get thicker soles with deeper tread?" I added as the Team continued to blink at us in shock.

"I think we broke them," Wally commented after a couple of seconds, so I grabbed a sticky note and scribbled out my request, pasting it on the computer, then nodding towards the pipeline.


The Pipeline, S.T.A.R Labs

"You come to gloat?" Parrot asked drily as we opened the entrance to the pipeline.

"Yup," I said as we sat down on the ledge separating us from each other, "How does it feel to be beaten by a bunch of teenagers who just learnt how to use their powers?"

"I'm not going to respond to your poor attempts at gloating," she said, though her fists tightening said otherwise.

"I mean, Zoom must have poor taste if you're the best he has," Wally added as she growled.

"Talk about Zoom that way one more time and I'm going to break out of this cage to beat the ever-living shit out of you," she said as I raised an eyebrow.

"Struck a nerve?" Wally asked, "Zoom must be pretty weak if you're his best. Or lemme guess, you're the distraction, right?"

"Yes actually, but it's too late to stop Zoom's plan," she said with a smirk as the two of us sobered up.

"What do you mean?" Wally asked as she smiled.

"It's too late," she said, "he's already got the parts he needs for his plan, nothing you can do about it!"

"Crap, crap, crap," I mumbled as we looked at each other, knowing we had to tell the rest.


The Cortex, S.T.A.R Labs

"What could he be planning with the distractions?" Cico asked.

"He could have been anywhere in the city while Parrot was playing demolition," Iris pointed out.

"Not necessarily anywhere," I said. "Zoom always came during the fights, so he had to be near enough to save her, or at least try to."

"We can worry about that after we capture them," Dr. Wells said.

"So you guys figured it out?" I asked.

"Yeah," Cisco said, "we found the more erratic-"

"Higher," Dr. Wells interrupted.



"Higher frequency that Earth-2 metas vibrate at. We just need to send a pulse out and for Barry to run round the S.T.A.R Labs, creating a diffraction field out of the air," Cisco said as I nodded, remembering my AP Physics class.

"So the pulse is amplified to the erratic frequency, to disrupt the matter," I finished.

"And shutting down their nervous systems," Caitilin added

"And one of you two is gonna set up these cones, which will make a field of reflection to bounce the pulse around, make sure it gets everyone good," Cisco finished.

"What about Jesse and Wells?" I asked, "they're from Earth-2 as well."

"I didn't know you cared, Allen," Dr. Wells said

"I don't," I said flatly.

"We got some headphones that will block out the frequency," Cisco said, "Beats by Wells."

Suddenly, a screen turned on, showing a dot at the high-rise development.

"That's your meta-human app, Cisco," Caitilin said.

"Zoom's at the high-rise development on the west side of the city," Joe said.

"Allen, one of you two, start running, Cisco, set off the pulse," Dr. Wells said.

"Zoom could kill how many people in the time that it takes the pulse to reach him," I asked, "he's way faster than sound, he'll definitely have no problem escaping the city before the pulse can reach him."

"Well if we keep dallying, he's definitely going to escape!" Dr. Wells said as I nodded.

"Alright," I said, running off to get my costume and change, heading for Zoom's location.


West side of Central City

"I expected Barry, not the incompetent sidekick," It said as I appeared in front of him.

"Flash's kinda busy at the moment, but I'll pass any message you have for him," I said, settling into a loose fighting stance.

"You're not even worth the trouble of killing," It said as it was about to take off, so I quickly slapped another Strength card on my heart, desperately needing the boost I was going to get from this.

I only have three left, but I need to be able to somewhat keep up with Zoom. I thought. I'll have to talk to the bastard after Zoom is done with.

I felt a huge boost of energy flowing through me, amplifying my speed to what I didn't even know was possible.
I pushed forward, leaving an indent in the ground as I appeared beside Zoom, going for a punch to its head and knocking it to the ground as it rolled, coming to a stop when it hit a wall.

"What was that?" It asked as it got up painfully.

"Doesn't matter," I said as I shot forward, holding him by the neck and tossing him into a wall. I could get used to it.

No matter what Zoom tried, I could practically see his moves before he thought of it, and countering was laughably easy, whether it was a punch to the face, knocking him to the ground, pulling a Hulk sometimes and throwing him into walls, him breaking a few of them.

"This isn't possible!," Zoom said as he got up slowly, clutching his ribs, "Velocity 9 was not perfected, and that was the last The Flash tried to enhance his speed!"

"Listen up buster," I said, backhanding him to the floor, "you're not hot shit anymore, so you can go cry yourself a river, build a bridge, AND GET YOUR SORRY ASS OVER IT!" I yelled at the end, picking him up and chucking him through a wall as the pulse of sound flowed through us,

Just in time. I thought as I felt the boost start to wear off, and I felt a wave of tiredness seep through my bones, falling to the ground as I fell asleep in the alleyway

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