Chapter 1

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One early morning, the mist was still settled on the tree of the forest.
A motorbike could be heard in the distance, snaking its way around the forest paths between the trees.

Passing through the forest, excelerating making a noise like a "Roar" soon arrived in town, turning through a row of shops, arriving at Ravine High School.

The crowd of students at Ravine High School were surprised when they heard a loud "ROAR" coming through the crowd. Slowly & carefully so she didn't hit them. They can't see who is it because black helmet and black visor.

The rider stopped the park, switching off the engine and the key. With their backpack on their shoulder kicking down the stand of the bike and removing her helmet. Lups 's hair tumbled down her back like cascades of fire, she had on a black leather jacket, black ripped jeans and black boots, her eyes were bright Turquoise and scar a cross her eyebrow to cheek, with her freckles a cross her nose.

The Crowd of students stared at her because they have never seen her before, she must be a new student. She looks around at the people staring at her, she ignores then grabbing her backpack and helmet she walked off into the crowd.

Suddenly the bell sound and the student made their way to their classes.

Lupa checked her timetable she had for the English lesson but she didn't know where. Then she bumps into him.

"I'm sorry," she says

he chuckles and says "That's fine. You are a new girl right?".

" yes I am," she says

"My name is David nice meet to you" he says

My name is Lupa nice to meet you too can you help me?" She says

"Go ahead," he says

"Do you know where is the English lesson?" She says

"I have English to follow me," he says

Arrived in English classroom.

"Hello, why are you late?" Teach says

"I helped a new girl because she was lost," David said

"Well, please sit down," the teacher said

David goes to his chair, and the teacher gets the students' attention.

"I have a new student here. Please welcome her," the teacher says

Lupa walked next to the teacher. The teacher asked Lupa, "What is your name? Lupa is aware that the class is staring at her scars, but she doesn't care.
She then tells them her name is Lupa, with a straight face.

"Can you go sit next to David?" teacher says

She walks past the students who stare at her. She completely ignores them. She sits the next window on her. The other side is David, she drops her backpack next to her chair and crosses her arms, gazing out the window.


Hope you all was enjoy read it. Please comment with what you think and also help me with the idea 🩵🩵

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