Chapter 4

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Lupa stares at Dan, and then the bell rings, which means lunch is finished. Everyone has to go back to their lesson

Dan jumped from the noise of bell. Lupa, had one hand covering her ear, because the bell was loud. Then she saw Dan walk off. She looked around at Noah, picked up her backpack on her shoulder, and walked out of the cafeteria.

Lupa has a sports lesson, she goes to the changing room. Then Hannah walks over to her, whilst Lupa need to change her clothes. She wears grey shorts, a sports bra and a black vest.

"Hey, I heard you almost broke my boyfriend's wrist! STOP BULLYING HIM!" Hannah says.

Lupa looks at her, with a serious face and walks close to her. She steps back and tries to get away from her, but fails to hide behind her locker. Close to her face, Lupa heard Hannah's heart beating fast, which meant she was afraid when Lupa was close to her.

"Your chicken boyfriend is a bully to everyone, like YOU! WATCH YOUR MOUTH!" Lupa says.

Lupa passes her with a smack on Hannah's shoulder, and then Lupa goes out of the changing room.

Lupa arrived at the big field and started to warm-up. Then the coach arrived and said, "Hello everyone, today I want to see who can run the fastest and longest, for cross-country running races. Lupa smirked because she loves running in the country.

Then the coach says, "Come to the start the line." All joggers over to start the line". Then Lupa walks behind, and the coach says, "Ready 1,2,3 go!" He blows his whistle and all the girls start running, Lupa too, and she jogs in mid-group, then a few minutes later, some girls have already given up and Lupa continues running. Coach shouts "2 more laps!" Then Lupa started to run fast. Coaches' jaw dropped, watched Lupa run around, and some girls from behind couldn't catch up to her. She was first, but they were far away from her. Then Lupa arrived at the finish line. The coach clicked his stopwatch and then he said, "Your lap times have beaten another girls team.

Lupa was panting to get their breath back, and then noticed Noah standing watching her from far away. Then Noah walked away. The coach said "Come here girls, I want to announce who will be on the team. I will call out names, if your name isn't on the list, don't worry just keep practising all the time, understand?" All the girls nod. Coach says, " Well, I will start with, Lupa, Hannah, Maria, Sophie, Rose, Claire, and Bella.

The coach "clapped" and said, "Welcome, team! See you all on Thursday afternoon. " All the girls clapped and nodded, and then the bell rang, meaning school had finished. Lupa went back to the changing room, changed her clothes, then walked out of the changing room, went to her locker and got her helmet, then walked out of school to the park where she noticed David waiting for her.


Hope you all was enjoy read it please comment with what you think and also help me with the idea 🩵🩵

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