Work and Play

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guest stars: Terry Sylvester, Storm Reid

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It was a lovely sunny morning and Jeremy was sitting on a lounge chair, reading the paper. 

"What a splendid day for doing nothing" he said to himself.

Matt and Lucy came outside just then.

"Daddy, aren't you going to work today?" said Lucy.

"No, Lucy luv. It's Saturday" said Jeremy.

He didn't work on Saturdays so he expected he didn't have to go.

Andy came out, holding Jeremy's suitcase. "Jeremy honey, you'll be late for work."

"But it's Saturday, Andy" said Jeremy. "Isn't it?"

"No. It's Thursday" said Andy.

Jeremy worked on Thursdays so he took his case and ran off as fast as he could. 

"Poor Daddy, having to work" said Lucy. "Lucky Mummy, you can play at home all day."

"I'm not playing. I'm doing my police paperwork" said Andy.

Matt turned a piece of paper over and started to draw.

"Matt, we can draw after I finish my work" said Andy.

A few seconds later, Kristen Stuart and her mother Meg came by to pick Lucy up for playgroup. 

"See you later, Lucy" said Andy.

"Bye-bye, Mummy. Work hard" said Lucy.

She got in the car with her friend. "Mrs Stuart, do you work or do you play?"

"I'll be working really hard today" said Meg. "After I perform some surgeries, I'm off to the gym."

"What do you do at the gym?" said Lucy.

"Running, jumping and skipping" said Meg.

"Mummy, that's not work. That's play" said Kristen. 

Soon, they arrived at the playgroup house.

Lucy and Kristen joined their friends Dhani Harrison, Stella McCartney, Natalie Noone, Julian Lennon, and Jade Jagger. 

"Hello, everyone" said Lucy. 

"Hello, Lucy! Hello, Kristen!" their friends said together.

Their teacher was Terry Sylvester, a guitarist for the Hollies. 

"Children, today, we're playing shops" he said. "Who wants to be shopkeepers?"

"Me! Me!" said every child in the room. 

"Lucy and Kristen can be shopkeepers. Everyone else can be customers" Terry instructed. 

Lucy and Kristen used some toys to run a pretend shop.

"What do we have to do?" said Kristen.

"I'll take the money, Kristen. And you can unstack the shelves" said Lucy.

Dhani was the first customer. 

"Hello, shopkeeper" he said.

"Hello, Mr Harrison" said Lucy. 

"Can I have some biscuits please?" said Dhani.

"Kristen, have we got any biscuits?" said Lucy.

"No. But we've got a toy telephone" said Kristen.

"How much will that be?" said Dhani accepting the phone.

"That will be a hundred pounds please" said Lucy. "Thank you."

Julian was next. "Hello, shopkeeper. Can I have a loaf of bread please?"

"No. But you can have a toy house" said Kristen.

"Would you like it in a bag, sir?" said Lucy.

"Yes please" said Julian.

"That will be one penny please" said Lucy.

"Oh. I haven't got enough money" said Julian.

"You can pay us next time you come in" said Lucy.

She turned to her friend. "Gosh. This is hard work."

"Yes indeed" Kristen agreed.

Stella was the next customer. "Hello, shopkeeper? What can I buy for a million thousand pounds?"

"Kristen, what have we got for a million thousand pounds?" said Lucy.

"Hmm. A carrot?" said Kristen.

"Yes please" said Stella.

Stella liked carrots, so it was natural for her to accept.

Pretty soon, it was home time and Jeremy came by to pick up Lucy and Kristen.

"Daddy, have you had a busy day?" said Lucy.

"Oh yes. I've been working very hard" said Jeremy.

"We've been working very hard too" said Kristen.

"We've been shopkeepers" said Lucy.

Back home, Matt was helping Andy do her paperwork.

He wrote an X in a box as she told him to.

"Good job, Matt" said Andy. 

Matt giggled to say thanks. 

Now that Andy had finished her work, she got out some blank paper and crayons.

"Alright, honey. We can do some drawing now. We've earned it" she said.

Jeremy, Lucy and Kristen came into the house and saw the activity.

"Naughty Mummy. You're drawing" said Lucy.

"That's because Matt and I have finished our work" said Andy.

Jeremy laughed. "We've all finished our work. So let's all play!" 

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