Ep 13: Teams and provisions

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Outside Blue Base. the Blues, Doc and Steve were still going over the plan to disable Sheila.

Church: Well, I suppose I should figure out a way to get Tex to reboot Sheila. Man, I'm gonna have to call in a lot of favours for this one.

Tucker: What favours could you possibly have stored up for someone who dumped you?

Church: She didn't dump me Tucker, it was mutual.

Tucker: Mutual in what way? Mutual in the sense that you were both single the moment after she dumped you?

Church: Yeah. That way.

Steve: Maybe I'll just ask her for the truth.

Church: Come on, Caboose. Let's go explain the plan to Tex. Wish us luck!

Steve: Man, I gotta see how this goes.

Tucker: Yeah right.

Then both Church and Caboose ran towards Tex.

Tucker: Hey, when she kills you I'm gonna sell your armour to that pink guy on the Red team! I hear he's in the market.

Steve: His name's Donut by the way, also have some faith Tucker. 

Doc: Hey, who's the yellow soldier?

Tucker: That's just Sister, she's new.

Steve: I think her name is Kaikaina really, so why are we calling her Sister?

Tucker: Ease of communication dude, ever wondered why everyone calls you Steve?

Steve: Amnesia, also I guess you have a point. Steve's quicker to say than Greenwood.

Doc: No one told me about a new arrival. I'm supposed to examine everybody before they assume active duty!

Tucker: Don't sweat it, I already checked her out. Diagnosis, F-I-N-E. He thinks so too.

Steve: I did not!

Doc: Thanks, but I think a trained medical professional should be the one-

Tucker: I'm a doctor! A doctor of love! PhD, certified love-ology. General her-ass-titioner, Sexologist.

Steve: Yeah of cause you've clearly been in a relationship.

Tucker: Seriously man, stop that!

Doc: First of all, love is not an officially recognized medical specialty, and also, PhD's? Heh, not really doctors!

Tucker: Dude, you're a dork.

Then the yellow soldier then walked over to them with Freya.

Sister: Hey.

Freya: Hey guys, hey Steve.

Steve: Hey Freya.

Tucker: What's up guys? What'd you and Tex talk about?

Sister: Oh, she was just talking about everyone here. How you're all idiots and jerks, but you're all her idiots and jerks.-

Steve: Really? Doesn't sound like her, guess she does like everyone in the canyon.

Freya: Wait for it.

Sister: -She also said if I tried to become more popular than her, she would talk about me behind my back and turn everyone against me. And then I'll cry and everyone would hate me... You know, girl stuff!

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