Chapter 18 {SMUT(?)}

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What does it take for a soldier to get sad? Death of his coworker?

Hah! No. Signora could die right now and he would thank the gods above.

The right answer to that question is, he doesn't know. He had forgotten how to feel sad after he fell into the abyss.

All he felt was thrill and eagerness for battle. That's probably why his family sent him to the Fatui in the first place.

It doesn't matter because the Fatui is a place perfect for a battle maniac like him. At least that's what Signora told him.

But then he felt some sort of love from the lady of a noble family, Lady Lumine. How did they meet again? Ah, right. It was a Gala thrown by the Tsaritsa.

It was love at first sight, he must say. Lumine was everything he wanted to be. Except a girl, of course.

Maybe it was just puppy love, because then he met Kunikuzushi.

Tartaglia watched as his soldiers trained while he sat on a rock, inspecting each and every one of them.

Until he saw two figures walking towards their direction. He turned his gaze towards them and saw Mei and.... Kunikuzushi? Why is he outside of Tenshukaku? Is he showing his chest???!!!

Tartaglia immediately jumped from the rock and practically sped over to the two and closed Kunikuzushi's chest by giving him his blazer.

"What are you doing, Kuni? Your chest is out for the whole world to see, you know?"

Kunikuzushi glared at him. "Oh? So showing your abs to your soldiers is ok?" He asked pointing at the open part of his maroon shirt.

"Baby, you know fighting get really sweaty." Ajax crossed his arms and flicked Kunikuzushi's forehead.

"Then don't fight." Kunikuzushi glared after his fiance flicked his forehead.

"You know I can't do that."

"Aren't you two supposed to be separated?" Mei suddenly asked. Kunikuzushi crossed his arms. "We were, until I found out he was talking to a" he gave his fiance a death glare "girl..."

Mei turned to Tartaglia with her eyebrows raised. "The girl was a subordinate." Ajax answered her unspoken question.

Mei nodded, understanding that her brother got issues. Multiple, actually but shh.

"Still a girl." Kunikuzushi huffed and walked away, storming off to who knows where. Ajax sighed.

"Mei, be a doll and watch over my soldiers for me." Tartaglia said and left to follow Kunikuzushi, leaving the princess clueless.

"Doll, baby, come on..." Ajax tried to persuade the prince- oops, princess. "You know they're just my subordinates, they mean nothing to me!"

Kunikuzushi huffed and turned his head the other way, needing more than just that to be forgiven.

"Alright, how about this? I'll ask Pierro if he could transfer all female subordinates to another harbinger."

Kunikuzushi cracked one eye open, liking the sound of this offer. "And I'll buy you three boxes of dango."

Kunikuzushi turned to him and raised an eyebrow. Ajax sighed. "And three bottles of dango milk."

"I want to sleep with you." Kunikuzushi said, huffing with his arms crossed.

"Alright, doll." Ajax smiled. Kunikuzushi was satisfied and then got closer to Ajax leaning his head on the Harbinger's shoulder.

"That's better." He was satisfied. He hugged the other's arm.

Ajax was tense. "Doll, your chest is kinda... Umm..."

Kunikuzushi grinned maliciously. "What about them?" He hugged Ajax's arm tightly.

Ajax was beet red. "Nevermind..."

Kunikuzushi pouted, he appreciates that Ajax was being respectful, but he wanted more reaction!

He straddles Ajax's lap and sits down. He could feel Ajax getting tense. He smirked.

"Come on, Jax. What's wrong with you?" He asked, tauntingly.

"Baby, what are you doing? We're in a cave." He tried to lean away when Kunikuzushi leaned in with a smirk.

"That means we're alone, Ajax~" Kunikuzushi licked his lips, wrapping his arms around the Harbinger's neck.

Kunikuzushi felt a pair of arms wrapping around his waist. He leaned to kiss Ajax's lips hungrily. Ajax returned the kiss just as aggressively.

Their tongues danced with each other, making Kunikuzushi droll a little. Ajax's arms moved lower, and lower, and lower.

Ajax's other hand moved to take off one of his gloves. Then his hand slither under his clothes. Kunikuzushi cracks an eye open, wanting the finger in already, but it seems like Ajax is teasing him.

His hand moves to lower the shoulder kimono, exposing more of his chest, and continued kissing his fiance hungrily. He moaned when he felt one finger enter his hole.

Ajax moves his finger quickly. Kunikuzushi was moaning into the kiss, not letting loud sounds out. Ajax entered another finger.

Kunikuzushi separated their lips and moaned. "Ajax...~"

"Shh, wouldn't want to get caught, would we?" Ajax entered another finger and kissed him again. Kunikuzushi hugged his neck tighter, moving his hips along with the fingers moving inside him.

"Nnghh~... Ajax... Ahh~" Kunikuzushi moaned riding Ajax's fingers, not bothering to keep quiet.

He doesn't care. If people hear him, at least they will know that this man was his.

Ajax bit one of his nipples, making Kunikuzushi moaned loudly. "ANH~! Ah... Yes~..."

He could feel Ajax sucking his nipple. He missed the way Ajax's eyes widened slowly.

He kept bouncing on his fingers, eager for more. Eager for Ajax's cock but his fingers will have to do for now.

"Ajax... Ahh~... Close! Nghh~" Ajax moved his fingers faster, wanting to satisfy the prince and help him reach his climax.

"Hyahh!~ Ajax~!.... Cumming..!" He moaned and finally reached his climax, but he kept bouncing on Ajax's fingers.

Ajax detached from his nipple, panting and raised an eyebrow when Kunikuzushi kept moving. He pulled his fingers out to which Kunikuzushi whined.

"Ajax... Please... More... Need it ..." He wanted more. He needed more.

Ajax stuffed his fingers into Kunikuzushi's mouth to which he eagerly sucked on. Ajax grinned. He didn't even need to be told...

Kunikuzushi sucked a licked, taking his time with each finger. He could feel his pussy throbbing for something bigger. Something more.

"Ajax.. I'm soaking wet for you... Please.." he pleaded once Ajax pulled his finger out. Ajax smirked and patted his hips.

"Soon, baby. Soon..." Ajax lifted his hips up and set him aside and grabbed the glove and put it back on.

Kunikuzushi whined at that but didn't fight. He fixed his clothes and hair before hugging Ajax's arm and they walked out of the cave together.

They returned to the training grounds feeling satisfied but Ajax's expression fell when he saw the sight.

It was a sight to behold. His soldiers were down and injured! And Mei was perfectly fine, standing in the middle with a spear.

"My soldiers??!!"

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