The Tumble Down the Stairs (requested)

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I really don't know how to name this one-shot. 😭
It was a typical Wednesday evening at Taylor's home. She had just wrapped up a long day of meetings and songwriting sessions. The house was buzzing with activity as she and her boyfriend, Travis, prepared for a casual dinner with a few close friends.

Taylor was in high spirits as she descended the stairs, chatting with her assistant about some last-minute details for the dinner. She was halfway down when her foot slipped on the polished wood, and she lost her balance.

"Whoa!" Taylor exclaimed, flailing her arms as she tumbled down the stairs.

Travis, who was in the kitchen, heard the commotion and rushed out just in time to see Taylor hit the bottom step with a painful thud. He sprinted over, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Taylor! Are you okay?" Travis asked, his voice filled with concern as he knelt beside her.

Taylor winced, trying to sit up. "I think so. Just a bit shaken."

Travis helped her into a sitting position, checking her for any obvious injuries. "Does anything hurt? Can you move your legs?"

Taylor nodded, testing her limbs. "My ankle hurts a little, but I think I'm okay."

Travis breathed a sigh of relief but didn't let go of her hand. "Let's get you to the couch and take a closer look."

He carefully lifted her, and she wrapped her arms around his neck for support. As they made their way to the living room, their friends arrived, looking concerned.

"Oh my gosh, what happened?" Abigail, one of Taylor's closest friends, asked as she hurried over.

"She slipped on the stairs," Travis explained, gently setting Taylor down on the couch. "We need to check her ankle."

Abigail grabbed a couple of pillows and placed them under Taylor's leg. "Let me get some ice."

Travis sat beside Taylor, his expression serious. "I'm so sorry, babe. I should have made sure those stairs weren't so slippery."

Taylor smiled weakly, trying to ease his worry. "It's not your fault, Travis. Accidents happen."

Abigail returned with an ice pack and handed it to Travis, who carefully placed it on Taylor's ankle. "How does that feel?"

"A bit better," Taylor replied, wincing as the cold pack numbed the pain. "I'll be fine, really."

The rest of the evening continued with a more subdued tone. Their friends, understanding the situation, took over the dinner preparations while Travis stayed by Taylor's side. They all sat in the living room, sharing stories and trying to keep Taylor's spirits up.

As the night went on, Taylor's ankle began to swell. Travis insisted on calling their doctor friend, Dr. Lee, to come over and take a look. Within half an hour, Dr. Lee arrived, carrying a small medical bag.

"Taylor, how are you feeling?" Dr. Lee asked, kneeling beside her to examine her ankle.

"It's pretty sore," Taylor admitted, biting her lip as Dr. Lee gently pressed around the area.

Dr. Lee nodded, his expression thoughtful. "It looks like a sprain. I'll wrap it up to keep the swelling down, but you should stay off it for a few days. If the pain gets worse, we'll need to do an X-ray to rule out a fracture."

Travis thanked Dr. Lee, who soon left after ensuring Taylor was comfortable. He then turned to her, concern still etched on his face. "I'm going to take care of you, okay? Whatever you need."

Taylor reached for his hand, squeezing it gently. "Thank you, Travis. You're amazing."

The evening wound down with their friends leaving after helping clean up. Travis helped Taylor to bed, making sure she was comfortable and had everything she needed. As they settled in for the night, Taylor looked at Travis with gratitude.

"You've been so wonderful tonight. I don't know what I'd do without you," she said softly.

Travis kissed her forehead, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "I'm just glad you're okay. I hate seeing you hurt."

Taylor smiled, her eyes heavy with sleep. "I love you, Travis."

"I love you too, Taylor. Get some rest," he replied, watching her drift off to sleep.

The next few days were a mix of rest and recovery for Taylor. Travis took on the role of caretaker with enthusiasm, making sure she had everything she needed. He brought her meals, kept her entertained with stories and jokes, and even managed to arrange a small, impromptu concert in their living room with a few of their musician friends.

One afternoon, as Taylor was propped up on the couch with her ankle elevated, Travis sat down beside her, holding a tray with her favorite snacks.

"I made us a little picnic," he said, setting the tray down on the coffee table.

Taylor's eyes lit up. "This is perfect. You're spoiling me, you know that?"

Travis grinned. "You deserve it. How's the ankle feeling today?"

"A bit better, thanks to you," she replied, reaching for a slice of apple. "I'm just glad to have you here with me."

As they enjoyed their makeshift picnic, they talked about everything and nothing, relishing the quiet moments together. The experience had brought them even closer, reminding them both of the strength of their bond.

One evening, as they were watching a movie, Taylor looked at Travis and sighed contentedly. "You know, this whole situation has made me realize how lucky I am to have you."

Travis squeezed her hand. "I feel the same way. We make a pretty good team."

Taylor smiled, leaning her head on his shoulder. "The best team."

As the days passed, Taylor's ankle slowly healed. She started moving around more, with Travis by her side to support her. His attentiveness and care during her recovery had deepened their relationship in ways they hadn't expected.

One morning, as Taylor carefully walked down the stairs, Travis watched her with a mix of pride and concern.

"Take it slow, babe," he said, ready to catch her if needed.

"I'm fine, Travis," she assured him, reaching the bottom step without incident. "Thanks to you."

He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. "Just doing my job."

Taylor looked up at him, her eyes shining with love. "You do it so well. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Travis kissed her softly. "You'll never have to find out."

As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, they knew that no matter what challenges came their way, they would face them together, their love and partnership stronger than ever.

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