Two Dates in One

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Excuse for my mistakes


I headed to the living room quietly, noticing the quietness and tensing in the air. There sat Chris Jr. and my mom who were talking happily like they were already family to each other. I just hope they aren't bonding too much just to talk about my embarrassing moments in my life. When I entered the room, they both turned to me with a friendly smile.

"Hey mom. Hey Chris."

"Hey Riley." replied Chris as he stood up and took my hand gracefully.

Okay, so I was complete shit on this part so don't blame me for skipping this part.

Chris and I sat on the table in a fancy restaurant, waiting for our food to arrive. Chris and I decided to talk for a while and it seemed kind of nice and interesting to have this conversation.

"So did you ever got together with someone before? Like- an ex." I swear I asked the wrong fucking question because a second later, he was looking away sadly in silent. I grabbed his hand softly in comfort, knowing that this question was going to be hard on him. So wait, why did I even bother asking? "Forget it Chris. If you don't want to answer, don't bother to." I let go of his hand but he quickly grabbed it tightly, causing me to look at him in surprise. .

"It's alright. I guess it'll be better if I told you." He let go of my hands and took a deep breath as we stayed quiet for a moment, waiting for an answer. "I used to be with this girl named Rachel Caulfield. She was an awesome person, someone I would be dying to get back with only if she would believed me. She was smart like you, and loved to party like it was her last one. She cared about others, and always so kind. Hell, you two would have been best friends if you two met." I listened, thinking about every detail he told me.

"So what exactly happened between you two?" The waitress came over and placed our drinks on the table. Chris took a sip from his water and clasped his hands together.

"One day. she ran away from L.A. without telling me and I tried to find her but never found her. I sat there crying, wondering why she left, but my only guess was that she wanted to break up with me. That's why I told my dad that I couldn't live there anymore, but he refused however, he allowed me to travel to Cleveland alone."

"Then what was your dad doing here in Cleveland?"

"He came to visit for a week. He knows my struggles right now in life. But I missed Rachel, she was everything to me." I felt bad for him, like real bad. If he really missed her, then what am I doing here? Even though they broke up, Chris obviously still loves her.

"Then does that mean I'm a replacement for Rachel? Because, I don't want to replace anyone's position. I know it hurts to say this Chris, but you should really find and get back together with Rachel and I am not kidding. It seems like you still care about her." I looked away sadly because I know it will hurt me too.

"Riley, I'm sorry for dragging you into this. I know this is all wrong and-"

"Chris. It's fine. I was glad to hear this and to learn so much more about your relationship with Rachel."

After the date...

I sat with my head down on the table, staring while stirring my vanilla ice cream slowly in front of Drew. So yeah, after that date, Drew asked me if I wanted to head out for ice cream. At first, I wanted to refuse, but then I realized how much I missed him after Chris Jr. apologize for ruining the date with that conversation. At least the date went on and everything went well. Drew stared at me worriedly, obviously too distracted to eat his ice cream.

"Riley, you're scaring me here. Are you sure you're alright?" I nodded slowly on the table as I continue to stare at my ice cream. "Was the date that horrible?" I shook my head slowly, causing Drew to sigh as he got up from his seat across me, and sat next to me. "Then what is the meaning of your sad look?"

"I'm not sad. I'm just thinking." Suddenly, Drew tensed up a little to make my eyes go wide in fear.

"What the hell did he do to you?" I quickly sat up and grabbed his arms in comfort. His angry spirit came out of nowhere, which definitely scared the crap out of me.

"Wow, chill bro. Chris didn't do anything to harm me. It's just- a girl." Drew tensed up even more as he stood up and had a fierce look.

"He cheated on you on your first date for another girl! That bastard!" I quickly dragged him back to his seat forcefully, making sure that he wasn't going anywhere.

"Drew! What the hell is your problem? Don't tell me you're being jealous." His cheeks bright as he looked away embarrassed.

"No, I'm not." I sighed and shook my head in shame. Obviously a lie, but whatever. "Go ahead and explain whenever you're ready." I looked down sadly, thinking about the conversation I had with Chris.

"Do you know a girl name Rachel Caulfield?" Drew leaned in towards his ice cream but then froze at the question.

"Wha- What did you say?" I turned to him worriedly, hoping that he wasn't going to go through the same thing Chris did."

"I asked, did you know a girl name Rachel Caulfield?" Drew slowly moved away from his ice cream and leaned back on his chair silently.

"Did Chris really talked about her?" I nodded softly, wondering why he was suddenly serious about this. Was he not telling me something?

"Sounds like you knew Rachel Caulfield." He nodded as he pushed his bowl of ice cream away slowly from him.

"Back in high school, Chris and I had a crush on her, but Chris got to her first and I was left to rot alone. I'm guessing Chris told you what's she's like, so I won't bother explaining much. Ever since I got jealous of those two going out and making out together, I tried my best to keep my self esteem up, but it just got worse. I made stupid decisions, and always getting into fights with my parents. I always hated him, trying to keep my distance from him. Well, his relationship with her went well until our sophomore year of high school, which was last year. I saw Rachel talking to Chris alone in a classroom. I didn't know hear what she said but it seemed to hurt Chris because as soon as Rachel left him in the classroom, I saw his sad, and a frustrated look of anger." Ouch. Luckily I don't have a boyfriend, yet. I move a strand of my hair away from my face and looked down at the table.

"He wants to get back with Rachel again."

"You're not kidding right?" I shook my head, noticing that my eyes were getting a little heavy but I managed to keep myself awake.

"He talked to me about it, and it seemed like he still cared about her." Drew rubbed his chin at thought, and tilted his head in confusion.

"Wait a minute. If he still cared about her, why did he even ask you on a date?" Wow, great question. I do find it strange.

"I don-" My eyes couldn't handle it, as my body felt tired, causing it to lean against something and I fell fast asleep.

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