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I arrived home nervously, wondering how Drew is holding up. I thank Michel for the ride hime, and headed inside the house. It was quiet, which means my parents have not come home and have not known about Drew's situation yet. I slowly walked into Drew's room as I noticed that he was sleeping on his bed with tears dripping from his face. Poor Drew, this was the second time I saw him cry in my life. Riley hurt him bad didn't she? I sat next to Drew gently, trying to keep him from sleeping but his eyes slowly fluttered open and his sad brown eyes met mine. I saw a sign of hurt and despair inside of him, making me want to comfort him.


"Hey Drew," I said softly. He picked up his phone near where he was sleeping to check the time.

"You're back early." I smiled sadly at him, knowing that the truth will hurt the both of us.  "Everything okay?"  He must've noticed my sad smile.  I love the fact that Drew could read people's expression like a book, whether if it's hidden or not.

"Will you promise to tell the truth?"  He nodded slowly as I took a deep breath and held his hands.  "Do you have a crush on Riley?"  I expected Drew to flinch or hesitate, but he sat still with his eyes turned away from my direction. 

"This question was the main question you wanted to bring up, wasn't it?"  I nodded with seriousness and he sighed without hope.  "Before I can answer the question, why does it concern you?" Damn, he was holding me back.

"I'm just worried about you. You've been quiet, sad, and lonely this whole day. I just want to know if something is bothering you." He sat quietly in thought as I waited for him to answer.

"No, nothing is bothering me." I tightened my hands into a fist with anger.

"You promised me you wouldn't lie Drew, and I know for sure that is a lie. You are thinking of Riley because she is the one whose bothering you."

"You act like you know everything."

"I do know everything. Riley has been ignoring you, and stayed away from you. What did you do to here the last time you guys met?"

"What is this? CSI?" I crossed my arms and gave him a dirty look. I couldn't believe that he was joking even though he knows that he is hurt without Riley.

"I'm being serious Drew.  I need to know unless you want me to tell mom and dad."  I smirked and he rolled his eyes annoyingly.  I know I'm too old to snitch for a seventeen year old, but it was the way to get him to talk.  He gave me his sad dark brown eyes. 

"Fine.  I do have a crush on her.  Now what?" 

"What exactly happened when you two last met?"  He stayed silent for a while, until he spoke up. 

"I don't want to talk about it.  I just need some time alone Natty.  Please."  Drew laid on his bed with his back turned towards me.  I exited his room silently as I shook my head in disappointment.  He's just won't listen. 


I headed into the restroom to wash my hands after grilling some delicious smelling big ass beef. I couldn't wait to chomp on it like there was only one left. I was about to walk out to the backyard until I heard a soft sniffing nearby the quiet hallway. What the heck is that? I tried to follow the sniffing, which seemed to come from Riley's room. I peered through the door to see Riley crying on her bed in sorrow.

"Riley?" She jumped in fear and looked at my way in surprise.

"Jeez Michel! You scared me!" I chuckled and entered the room.

"My bad." I sat next to the sad looking Riley, giving her a confused face. "What's wrong Riley? Why aren't you out at the back with the rest of us?" She quickly wiped a tear away, and turned away from me.

"As you can see earlier, I had an argument with my best friend because of her retarded brother. He always ruin things for us, and now he's making me look bad in front of Natty."

"That's not true. There's a reason he showed up and left when he saw you." She turned to me with a dirty look and her arms crossed. Why was she so angry? I have never seen her like this before.

"Are you hating on me now too?"

"No. I'm just simply stating that it's not true. However, Natty and Drew might have lost trust in you as a friend, and I'm having doubts about you."

"Doubts?" I took a deep breath and gave her a disappointed frown.

"You're starting to scare me and the others recently because of your unordinary behavior. It seems like you've change so much in only a few months, and this is why I have to ask you this." Riley stayed quiet, waiting for my question nervously. "What is going on with you and Drew? Why haven't you guys been talking to each other like you always do?" I saw her hands clench into a fist slowly. Getting her mad wasn't my plan, but I had no choice but to ask. I'm not going to allow her to feel sad and lonely like I used to be when I was little. I have never met Riley or anyone else at that time because life was a little hard for my dad and mom. Luckly they recovered from it.

"Why are you asking this?" She doesn't want to give up.

"It's the only thing that is bothering you right now." Riley got up from her bed and headed towards the door.

"Nothing is bothering me Michel. Now can you step out of my room so I could be alone?" Wow, she definitley won't give up. I will hold back for now, but I won't give up either. I sighed gently as I exited her room like she ordered and she slammed the door close. Then, I smirked, realized that I just had a brilliant idea. I took out my phone quickly as if I couldn't wait to tell Natty my perfect plan.

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