Chapter 14: Confrontations

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Bradley paced around his small apartment, the walls closing in on him as he replayed the events of the day over and over in his head. Emily sat curled up on the couch, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, looking small and fragile. Max was in the kitchen, making tea, a quiet presence that helped ground Bradley amidst the storm of his thoughts.

He stopped pacing and knelt in front of Emily, gently lifting her chin so he could look into her eyes. "Emily, I need to know what happened. The whole story."

Emily hesitated, her eyes darting to Max and back to Bradley. She took a deep breath, her voice barely above a whisper. "I... I told Mom and Dad that you and Max were dating."

Bradley's heart skipped a beat. "What? Emily, we're not—"

"I know," she interrupted, her voice trembling. "But it didn't matter. Dad got so mad. He called you horrible names, Bradley. He said awful things about Max. I tried to defend you, to tell them they were wrong, but Dad... he... he hit me for talking back."

Bradley's blood ran cold. Rage bubbled up inside him, threatening to explode. He clenched his fists, trying to keep his composure. He couldn't afford to lose it now. Not in front of Emily.

Max came over with the tea, setting it down on the coffee table. He placed a comforting hand on Bradley's shoulder, giving him a silent reminder to stay calm.

Bradley took a deep breath and forced a reassuring smile for Emily's sake. "I'm so sorry, Emily. This shouldn't have happened to you. But you're safe now, okay? You're with me and Max."

Emily nodded, tears streaming down her face. "I'm scared, Bradley. What if they come for me?"

"They won't," Bradley said firmly. "I'll make sure of it."

He spent the rest of the evening making sure Emily was comfortable, playing her favorite movies and trying to distract her from the trauma. Max stayed with them, his presence a steadying force for both Bradley and Emily. Eventually, Emily fell asleep on the couch, exhaustion overtaking her.

Bradley and Max sat in the dimly lit living room, the weight of the situation heavy in the air. "I'm going to talk to them," Bradley said quietly. "I can't let this go."

Max looked at him, concern etched on his face. "Are you sure that's a good idea? Your dad—"

"I have to, Max," Bradley interrupted. "This isn't just about what happened to Emily. It's about everything. I can't let them keep hurting us."

Max sighed but nodded. "Okay. Just... be careful."

The next morning, Bradley made arrangements for Emily to stay with their mutual friend, Roxanne. She was more than willing to help, understanding the gravity of the situation without needing all the details. Once Emily was settled, Bradley drove to his family's estate, a storm of emotions brewing inside him.

The familiar house loomed ahead, feeling more like a prison than a home. He walked up to the front door with a purpose, his heart pounding in his chest. He didn't bother knocking. He pushed the door open and stepped inside, his footsteps echoing through the quiet house.

"Mom! Dad!" he called out, his voice reverberating off the walls.

His parents appeared at the top of the stairs, his father's face a mask of stern disapproval, his mother's expression a mixture of fear and confusion.

"What are you doing here, Bradley?" his father demanded.

Bradley clenched his fists, forcing himself to stay calm. "We need to talk. About Emily. About everything."

His father descended the stairs slowly, each step deliberate. "There's nothing to discuss. Emily is our daughter, and we'll discipline her as we see fit."

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