Chapter 10🤍

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The morning had presented itself, causing Ella's eyes to puff even more than last night due to the rubbing they endured. She was hurt. It wasn't just her hormones...right? With no spirits, she was reminded that she needed to get up and get ready for the day. Ella didn't want to speak to him. If this 'thing' was really happening between him and Sabrina, she would feel so incredibly embarrassed and stupid for trusting that man the way she did. Sabrina's little comment yesterday was what set her off. 'Sneak away from Ella'. Was she on crack? She made her way towards the babies rooms and kissed them good morning before feeding them and changing them.

Trent's eyes opened in dismay as he saw the daylight. A new day had arose, meaning he would have to get productive which he wasn't in the mood for. He wanted to apologise to his girlfriend for his behaviour yesterday but he knew she wouldn't want to speak to him just yet. All he said was 'yeah, maybe' but after Ella's clear suspicions about Sabrina, he knew she shouldn't of said that. Thankfully, he had cut it off straight away and told her he only loved Ella which was the complete truth. He wouldn't go behind Ella's back to do something like that. Ella was everything he needed and his perfect type. She was supportive, loving, a fantastic mother, good with kids, excellent in bed and could cook incredibly. Not only was she enchanting physically, but they really connected on an emotional level, maybe not last night though due to a certain someone. Trent. He often imagined marriage when he gazed at her. She was a million percent wife material. He loved everything about her and losing her would never be a card on the table. He scoffed out of bed, wishing he could go back to sleep but couldn't. Before walking the bathroom he went to check if Ella was in the guest room but was met with the sound of her baby voice, playing with Tahj and Tayah. He smiled as he saw his perfect family and went to complete his morning routine prior to going downstairs in to the kitchen.

Trent's head shot backwards as Ella entered the kitchen. She disregarded his presence for the time being. Sighing as she was being stared at, Ella started up the frying pan after washing her hands properly, and cracked the eggs in place. She was frustrated at him, but she loved him more than he could ever know. He was still sat there watching her as he flicked his eyes up from his phone to look at her often. Ella was careful about her omelettes as she knew he liked them a lot and it was the only thing she had the ingredients to make, highlighting that she needed to go grocery shopping. Why did it have to be omelettes? She couldn't help but eye roll. She loved cooking for him and doing nice things for him but right now was not the time. The man was a footballer. He had to eat and Ella knew that, but what happened to the flipping cereal? With the food fully cooked and prepared, she got out two plates, carefully shifting the omelettes on them. She opened the utensil drawer and got out 2 knives and 2 forks before giving a plate to Trent and giving him his utensils.

"Thank you." He looked up at her as she walked towards the couch and turned on the TV to catch up on the love island episode she missed last night. Trent felt a pinge in his heart knowing that she was upset but still went out of her way to make him food. He loved that girl more than words could express.

After, the two had finished their breakfast, Ella strolled to the kitchen counter so that she could begin the washing up but before she could even start the water, Trent stood behind her with his finished plate.

"It's okay. I'll do it baby, thank you." He got the sponge ready. Ella softly smiled at him before going back upstairs to bring down the babies and text Jaida. The friend group had planned to go bowling today, an idea Saffron recommended. Ella needed her friends and she needed a break from the mummy duties no matter how much she loved them. She just wanted one day for her friends. After getting ready, she had gotten a message from Saffron telling her that her and Curtis were outside, causing Ella to say bye to the babies, Trent and meet up with the couple. In the car, she reflected on the situation with Trent, feeling as though she was overreacting, but at the same time she wasn't. She wanted this to be over and done with and was tired of drama and pointless arguments when it came to their relationship. Ella and Trent were both very territorial people so hearing another woman flirt with Trent and him entertaining it made her feel more than upset, especially with her hormones.

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