Ryomen Sukuna

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"A thermometer shed?" Megumi's irritated voice rang in the air. Satoru chuckled on the other line before confirming we were at the correct location. Even without his confirmation, the curse energy vibrating in this area alone would leave anyone on edge.

I reached forward to open the shed before I turned to face Megumi, who bickered silently with Satoru, "Uh, it's not in here?"

I stepped aside as Megumi investigated the shed; Satoru's laugh was loud over the phone. "For real? That's hilarious! No going home until you find it." Before hanging up.

Megumi deadpanned me, "I'm going to punch him."

I offered him a shrug, "What do we do now? It's the middle of the night."

Megumi sighed deeply as he tucked the phone into his pocket, "We can keep investigating and come back in the morning. I'm sure some high schoolers took it as a prank. Idiots."

I reached for my hood, covering my white strands, "I can't imagine anything more entertaining."


The following day, we found ourselves near a rugby field with a handful of powerful curses. "There's a dead body around here." I pointed to the curse and told him, "Or the cursed object is attracting these things."

"I know," Megumi looked around, hands in his pockets, "It looks like a grade 2."

Loud cheers caught my attention. "Do you hear that?" I asked as we reached the stairs leading to the school, "What's that commotion?" We followed the shouting to a competition between what looked like a teacher and a student.

"The track coach is taking on Itadori from West Junior High!" A student shouted excitedly as we neared the field.

"What're they playing?" Someone asked.

"Shot put!"

I sighed as I leaned against a bench, "This should be interesting. I wonder why?"

This, apparently, caught someone's attention. "You don't know?" They turned to us with a wide look in their eyes.

I raised an eyebrow, "Know what?"

"That's The tiger of West Junior High. He's insane!" He waved his arms to emphasize his point, "Just watch and see."

The teacher made his shot, clearly overdoing it, and scored fourteen meters. "Don't you think he's trying too hard?" I asked Megumi as a teen boy walked over soon after the teacher was done.

His pink hair disheveled as someone handed him a metal ball, "Can I just throw how I want?" He turned to the teacher.

"Huh? Well, it doesn't matter for this throw-" The teacher closed his eyes as Itadori cocked his arm and threw the ball.

"Damn," I mumbled under my breath as it made contact with a soccer goal.

"30 meters," Megumi mumbled under his breath, "Impressive, considering he has no real curse energy. That's just his natural ability, kind of like Zen'in senpai."

I shivered, "Natural ability, huh?"

"C'mon," Megumi nodded in another direction, "We've wasted enough time."

As we stepped away from the group, the Itadori kid started running towards us. An immediate wall of curse energy smacked us in the face. The same energy that resided in the shed from last night, "Hey, wait!" Megumi shouted after him.

Itadori had sprinted away before we could even react and grab him. "Why is he so fast?" He grumbled under his breath, "We need to follow him. He's our only lead."

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