Baseball & Midnight Dance

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I was lost in thought while brushing my teeth. I had spent most of last night thinking about the kiss, over and over and over, until I fell asleep. I couldn't remember the last time I had allowed something to fester in my brain like this before. I leaned my hip against the counter before bending at my waist to spit out the paste. I scrapped my tongue and used some mouthwash before washing my face.

I swore I could feel his thumb against my bottom lip, his breathing on my lips right before he kissed me the second time, and his grip on my waist before I had to throw my bedroom door open. I relived the kiss on constant replay. I rubbed some cream under my eyes, wondering if he was thinking about it as much as I was. I wondered if he wanted to do it again...or if he had just been entertaining me through it all.

I shook my head and exhaled. I needed to start believing that good things could happen to me just because. There didn't need to be an ulterior motive to things. Maybe good things did happen randomly...probably not, but it was nice to hope rather than to break myself down every other second.

I patted my cheeks after I was done before glancing at myself in the mirror. My hair had grown out a few inches since the last time I got a cut. It skimmed my collarbone now, and my bangs were slightly overgrown. I pulled my hair behind my heavily pierced ears. I'd considered getting another one a few months back, but with our schedule and lifestyle, I didn't want to have something else to worry about.

I sighed before grabbing my purple brush and started brushing through the knots at my ends before I twirled my hair into a low bun. I tucked my bangs behind my ears while I collected all my things and dropped them into my bag. As I zipped it closed, Yuji came to stand beside me. He smiled down at me as a soft blush appeared on his cheeks. My heart rose in beats as I returned the smile. I shifted on my feet while attempting to keep my composure. Having him this close after last night felt surreal.

"Good morning," I whispered.

"Good morning," He replied while placing his red bag next to mine. He dropped his head to look at my piercings, "You never wear them out like that."

I half turned to face him, "I was checking them in case I needed to clean them."

"I like it when you have them out. A little sparkle of your personality." He chuckled as he lifted a hand to gently caress my ear, "When did you start piercing your ears?"

I thought about it, "I think about three years ago? It started innocently with these," I pointed at my lobes, "Then, I saw these pictures on a website of this girl that had her helix, and the appeal only grew from there."

He nodded with interest, "Which one hurt the most?"

"My industrial," I pointed to my right ear, "The recovery was awful. My hair kept getting wrapped around the bar, and it just got infected every other day." I groaned at the memory.

He chuckled, "They look awesome."

I smiled in thanks before I changed the subject, "I wonder what we'll do today for the event. Are you feeling okay?"

With the tank top I wore to bed, the bandages on my throat felt and looked larger than necessary. He sighed deeply as he frowned while examining my cuts, "I feel great. I'm just worried about your neck."

I waved it off, "I'll be fine. I survived, and that's what matters. A little keepsake, in my opinion."

"Little keepsake?" He raised an eyebrow, "I can't envision what you would consider something to be a large keepsake."

I laughed as I nodded, "Haven't had the opportunity to." My heart skipped a few beats as he shifted closer and tilted my chin with his hand.

He graced the bandages with a soft touch, "Did you clean them? Do you need help?"

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