Moving & Never Stopping

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I was brushing my teeth when my phone buzzed with a file update. I read over the file six times before I dropped my toothbrush and ran out of my room to where Yuji was. I found him in the kitchen, eating his breakfast with furrowed eyebrows, as he watched me enter the room breathlessly.

"Yuji," I exhaled. My hand shook as I extended my phone to face him. I opened and closed my mouth several times while I looked for what to say, how to make this situation hurt less, anything to avoid the guilt that would compress around his neck, "It's not your fault."

He stared at my phone as his expression turned vacant, "Don't do that," I whispered, "How could we have known this would happen?"

Yuji stayed quiet while he gripped my phone tightly, his shoulders slumped, and his lips set in a line. He didn't say anything as he stood, leaving his food behind, and gently placing my phone back on my hands.

"It's not your fault," I whispered again as I reached for his arm when he turned away.

He stared at the ground, his shoulders slumped, "It feels like it is."

"We don't know how that finger ended up there. We still have time to save Yoshino from whatever is going on." I placed my hand under his chin so he could look at me, "We still have time to repair something. Don't lose hope in that."

He sighed deeply, the turmoil behind his eyes telling more than words could, "Let's get ready." I watched him grasp the hand I rested on his chin, and he rubbed his thumb across my knuckles before he pressed his lips against them. "I'm really going to need your guidance."

I exhaled shakily as I offered a breathless nod. My face felt hot. He squeezed my hand one more time before walking away. I stood there for a few minutes, staring at my tingling hand. I clenched and unclenched it, but the tingling continued as my heart rose to an erratic pace. I swiftly pushed my hair behind my ears before exiting the kitchen.

I headed back to my room and finished getting ready. I changed into my uniform quickly before braiding my hair and washing my face with cold water. I fixed some loose hairs before brushing my hands down my uniform. I exhaled another shaky exhale before exiting my bathroom and walking to my drawer for a pair of socks. As I sat on my bed to put them on, I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in," I called as I bent down to reach my feet.

Yuji opened the door and leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed. I swallowed as my mouth dried out, "You almost ready?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just need my socks and shoes," My hands were vibrating with the sensation of his lips on them. I couldn't get the memory out of my head as I attempted to put my socks on.

I heard his footsteps reach me before I saw him stop before me. Yuji kneeled as he took the socks from my hand. He placed my right foot on his bent knee before sliding my sock on, fixing it to ensure it lined up perfectly. He rubbed his fingers along where the sock met the skin of my shin before switching to my left. I dropped my hands to grip the edges of the bed as he looked up at me with such an open expression: soft eyes, small eyes, and a pink blush over his cheeks.

"All done," He whispered before he stood. He offered his hand to help me stand. I dropped my palm against his as he pulled me up. We gazed at one another for a moment before I pulled away from this overwhelming bubble of intimacy that seemed to follow us everywhere.

I hid my hands in my pockets, "Ijichi should be outside."

He nodded before following me downstairs, where we put our shoes on and walked to Ijichi's car. He opened the door for me before getting in. I sat behind the driver's side, and he took the middle seat. I played with my fingers on my lap as Ijichi drove us to the school. They spoke in the background, but my main goal was to contain the blush that spread from my ears to my cheeks and down my neck. He was so close, it was hard to think of anything else. I stole a glance at him; his serious expression from earlier had returned, but instead of looking upset, he seemed angry in a way. He clenched his jaw ever so slightly as he spoke to Ijichi; his shoulders carried more tension than normal, and his leg bounced against mine.

Eclipse (Yuji Itadori x OC)Where stories live. Discover now