A Morning of Grief.

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Prince Savil woke up, rubbing his eyes. Why was it so dark..?

Then it clicked. Right, that invasion from the previous day.. He scrambled to his feet and lifted the garbage bin's lid, peeking out. Coast was clear.

He climbed out, sneaking down the alleyway and peeking out. People sat in the streets collecting dead bodies, the air thick and quiet.

Luckily there wasn't too much destruction.. but that didn't matter right now. He just had to worry about his friend! Where was he?

Savil wondered down the streets, but couldn't find him. Maybe he was at home? If that was so, it might be best to give Ren space until his father called a meeting.

The prince turned and walked to the castle, and walked in. The guards moved to the side as he made his way inside, and went to the throne room.

His father, King Marvian, sat on the throne. He seemed awfully stressed, with Queen Eris by his side. Upon seeing their son, relief washed over their faces. They rushed to him, bringing him into a tight embrace.

"You're going to.." He coughed, voice hard to hear. "Choke me.." They released him, and his mom cupped his face. Tears streamed down her face.. "You had us so scared.. we thought we lost you, Vil!"

He looked away, face softening. What was there to say? His father then cleared his throat and spoke. "Son, you should go get some rest.. Me and your mother must get to work on repairing the kingdom and arranging a time for mourning.."

Queen Eris looked up at her husband, frowning as she pulled her hands away from the Prince. He nodded, turning and walking off to his room. Hopefully everything would be okay..


"What do you mean we can't have his blood?!" A voice rung through the air, making Ren awake with a start. He was in a bedroom..? From the looks of it, maybe a guest room..

He quickly got off the bed and rushed to the door, which was slightly open. He peeked out, heart dropping. The vampire girl from the otherday.. and another one infront of her..

No, no, no.. He was still alive? What were they planning? Oh no.

"Of course not! I like him!" The girl huffed, and the guy seemed taken aback. He sighed and ran a hand through his smooth white hair. Was this vampire the girls brother?

Ren held his breath, hoping they wouldn't notice him. He was focused on taking notes.. Like how this guy seemed like a gender-bend of his kidnapper!

They seemed to be inside a long hallway.. White walls with fancy grey pillars, bright lights, black marble floors, and more vampires walking here and there..

This wasn't good. He needed to find a good escape route.. then he could..

The door swung open, his abductor smiling down at him. He stepped back, looking up at her angrily.

"You awake! Perfect. I was hoping to chat over 'tea'!" She chirped, before snapping. "But first, to get you changed!"

Some butlers rushed over.. humans? They had a dark outfit in their hands.

Within a few minutes, Ren was all washed up and in a sort of emo outfit. Then, the girl dragged him off to a garden space.

The plants were beyond anything he had seen.. so strange, so eye catching.. There was so many.

"Here!" He looked forward, seeing a little table with two seats. Ren hesitated, before sitting down across from her. This was going to be a long chat..


The day seemed so slow. Barely any speech, only so much work. Everyone gathered around noon, and sat in the town square. Savil looked around, but couldn't catch sight of his friend.

This confused him. Where was Ren? There was no way he died.. right?

"We gather to mourn our loses, and to honor those who were taken." King Marvian spoke, a forced voice to avoid tears.

Taken? No.. that meant that.. It couldn't be. No, Savil refused to believed this! There was no way that the vampires had taken the one thing that meant so much to him.. His father continued. "These poor souls deserved to be honored, and everyone shall earn a chance to speak of their lost ones."

The prince could feel tears burning at the corner of his eyes. This was not real! There was no way Ren was gone.. He just couldn't let this be real. But then again.. what could he do to get him back?

Those vampires were no match for him.. Savil
Stepped back, running out of the crowd and sitting in an alleyway. This wasn't fair..

"You damn cruel world! Bring him back.." He cried, curling up. The tears rolled down his cheeks. They wouldn't stop. "Damn you! I will get him back.. I'll slay all those bloodsuckers!"

Savil continued to wipe away his tears. Why was this world so horrible? He thought it would have protected them.. but it just let them get hurt..

Why didn't he make Ren stay? He should have just at least tried to make room.. but he didn't. Why was he so useless?!

He's gone because of me.. I failed him. His mind swirled, as he let his body drift to the floor, and curl up even closer.

He must train himself. If he works hard enough, maybe he can get him back..

But that would take so long. And who knows if the vampires home would ever be discovered? That was such a low possibility..

However, that was the only thing Savil could do.. Hope, Hope, and Hope.


Ren stared at the girl infront of him. Princess Vaziumae.. A princess decided to capture me? But that doesn't make sense..

"This is too confusing.. I don't get why you would keep me alive, instead of taking my blood?!" He growled, gripping the sides of his head.

There was no way that he wasn't going to die! They were just trying to get information from him, maybe? Or were they going to use him for something worse?

Is there something more that he just can't quite reach? Something beyond his sight?

There had to be.. and he was going to figure out what it was. Ren would figure it out, alongside find a way to escape.

He had to get home. That was along that mattered at this moment.. alongside the Prince. He had to protect him.

Was Savil still alive? He sure hoped so.. If he wasn't, then there really was no reason to fight anymore..

Perhaps if he played his cards right, this situation would be to his advantage. The Princess chuckled. "I sense a lot of potential from you.." She began, putting her head in her hand.

That made his blood boil. What potential? This didn't make any sense! Ugh..

"You will know what I mean eventually, Ren." She suddenly stood, turning away from him. "Just get to know this place.. and give up escaping."

Then she walked away.. The hell!? She really thought he would just lose hope in escaping?

He stood aswell, eyes scanning the garden clearing. This was going to be a pain..

And he knew in his gut that he might not escape as soon as he hoped.

[1211 words - End]

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