• Well thought •

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Just as I believed it would go..
He truly cares for that boy.
It seems he truly would do anything to save him, aswell..
How strange those humans are.

No matter the pain,
No matter the cost,
No matter the loss,
No matter the outcome,
No matter the fate.
They still do what they want..

It's truly fascinating..
Makes me feel so excited..
Even I, Princess Vaziumae,
get so hyped at it..
Oh it's just too much!

Their emotions make me want more..
The feeling is so indescribable.
The creatures are just so fascinating.
If only I could learn more..
Perhaps I shall, one day..

I'll learn all there is.
From their emotions,
To beliefs,
and more beyond.

What would it be like if they were provoked in such a vile way?
How would they feel if everything was completely gone?
Why do they continue to fight even in the hardest of times?
When do they plan to give up on their puny selfs?

So many questions..
I strive for these answers.
I live for the thrill of the adventure.
I lust for the excitement..
I am determined to get what I want.

And what do I want?
Oh, theres so much..
Perhaps a list would help.
I've never sat down to think..
So many things to work on.

Let's see..
What do I want?
What do I hope for?
What do I need?
What IS the question indeed..

A simple List.
1. Power
I yearn to uphold all the power beyond recognition.. To bestow it upon my fellows, and to join forces with even stronger ones. I want to achieve the fullest of it.

2. Knowledge
Even I hope for the fullest of information.. what is there to not be curious about? Everything in this strange world contains so much that could be used.. even the smallest thing could be something huge.

3. Sival
My hands, fangs, and heart ache for that human.. There's so much about him that I can't describe. His determination and despair makes me feel so good.. All the feelings I receive from him are exceedingly strong and overwhelming..

4. Riches
What? Vampires are extremely greedy.. just like the humans seem to be. We wish to hold the most expensive jewels, and own the finest of things.

5. Domination
My main wish is to own this planet. To stand above all those who stand amongst me. But my brother stands in the way..

Perhaps I could even think of more..
But my mind still circulates around him..
Oh, how alluring he is..
All the decisions and power he holds.
He makes me go insane..

Luckily, Ren allows me to be closer..
and so does my brother.
They allow me a chance to chat with him..
To breathe his air..
Take in the sight..

Oh my stomach flutters..
And my fingers ache to feel.
My fangs crave the taste of his blood..
Would it be sweet?
Or perhaps sour?

Savil's scent is so overwhelming..
The strong smell never gets old.
He always leaves me craving more..

But I don't understand it.
Why does this human do this?
Is he purposely doing this?
Or is my body betraying me?
Nothing makes sense..

I can't properly think around him.
But what could it be?
So many options..
But none of the answers are..

A) Love - NOT good.. Vampires and humans!?
B) Lust - Do I wanna explain..?
C) Violence - Why would I wish to hurt someone so bad..
D) Jealousy - Doesn't make much sense in this situation.. I'm much more powerful.

None of the options are good,
make sense,
or even help!

How could you do this to me?
Make me spend my days helpless..
I can barely even sleep at night.
Always distracting myself..
and thinking..

So much work to do.
But it's never enough.
You stray on the back of the brain..
How do you do it?
Perhaps its magic..

Has he cursed me?
Or did he charm me?
All too similar..
All too much for a human.
So what is it?!

I wish not to stray more..
Must stick to the topic.
Just think about how good the meeting went!
Hopefully brother doesn't go out of control..
What a pain.
Much stress..

[710 words - End]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16 ⏰

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