Part three; I messed up

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But Lucy had enough and stood up "Lucy, please wait" Tim said "Why did you think I was lying? Do I mean nothing to you?!" Lucy said as she turned around to him "Of course you do but I've known him my whole life" He added "And that's supposed to be an excuse for treating me like a fucking object Tim" Lucy said as she raised her voice.

"You know what Caleb put me trough has made me alert but that doesn't make me a bad cop Tim, and the fact that you can't see that it not my problem so don't make it mine" Lucy shouted "I- I just didn't think he could do something like that and mixed with-" Tim said but he stopped "Mixed with what Tim, mixed with what?!" She said as she walked closer to him "Mixed with your past with Caleb, I- I just couldn't risk it" Tim said.

"Yeah you could Tim, yes you fucking could. You knew my body cam was on, so you could check in the shop and you knew that I wouldn't lie to you, you knew every single thing you had to know so now it's your fault he is walking free and you are going to pay for that" Lucy said, now standing almost against him "Good night Bradford" Lucy said and walked away.

"Shit, shit shit shit. I really screwed up" Tim said as he held his head in his hands and tears ran down his face "Yeah you really did, you know that if she presses charges you're done right?" Nyla said "Tim, what were you thinking, you didn't even hear her out?" Grey said very angry with him "I- I don't know" He replied "Tim I know she's your boot but you can't treat anyone like this'' Angela said walking to him "This will get you fired son" Grey added almost screaming "Why did you talk to her like that?!" Nyla added "I- I don't know what happened okay" Tim said back "You don't know what happend, you can't treat her like this Tim!" Grey shouted at him.

"I know I know, I just-" Tim tried but choked on his words "After everything she has been through you do this to her, what the hell is wrong with you!" Nyla shouted at him "I I'm sorry okay I don't know what happened" Tim whispered back ashamed "What happened Tim, you're not like this?!" Angela said "I- I don't know, I've known him for years and I guess I'm still not completely over the abduction" Tim said back "You need to get it together, now you made it her problem and that's not fair Tim" Nyla said .

"Jackson you need to talk to her and-" Tim tried but he was cut off by Jackson "no, I'm sorry sir but I- I am going after her i'll see you tomorrow" he said and he ran to the women's locker room. "H- how am I going to fix this mess?" Tim said "I don't know but I ain't helping you, i'm on her side" Nyla said "You need to figure this out, cause even if we wanted to help you after seeing this, we can't if she presses charges she will have your badge" Grey added "I- I'm going home, see you tomorrow" Tim said and he walked out of the station.

"I- I just can't believe Tim would say those things?" Angela said and he sat in the chair "something happened between them" Nyla concluded "Let's look at the rest of the video" She added and started the video again *"What was that?" Lucy asked when they got back into the shop "What was what?" Tim asked "Why did you brush me off and didn't even let me finish my sentences?" she asked annoyed "You misjudged him, that push didn't mean anything and you were in the wrong for arresting him Boot" Tim said back angrily "No, you didn't hear me out, it wasn't about the push!" Lucy said, raising her voice.

"Okay so what was it about then?" "When you left he touched me even after I told him multiple times to stand back and then he tried to kiss me" Lucy said "Lucy, come on he isn't like that" Tim said not believing Lucy "Are you calling me a liar sir?, why don't you trust me?" Lucy spit out in disbelief "Look, your only a rookie and I think you just misjudged okay" Tim said "I've known Darrell my whole life and-" Tim said but Lucy cut him of "You saw how he treated me at the door, why don't you believe me?!" Lucy said "This conversation is over, let's head back to the station"* . The video ended.

"What was he thinking?!" Grey said "I- he has never been the same after everything, he still blames himself" Angela said "Still blames himself?" Grey said questioningly. "He told Lucy to go out with Caleb" Angela admitted "But he couldn't have known?" "Tell Bradford that" Angela replied "And Chen well obviously she isn't the same anymore I mean" Nyla said "Yeah obviously, maybe we need to split them up for a bit, change TO's?" Grey suggested "That's on you, but honestly I have never, like never seen anyone fit better with Bradford than Chen" Angela said "I mean most Rookies would flunk out day one with him and Chen just cursed the hell out of Bradford, even I was scared for her" Angela added.

"And yet Bradford listened to her, because he respects her" Angela finished "I've never seen Bradford like this, and Chen I mean she was right with every word but it broke Tim's heart hearing it from her" Angela said "I know, but Chen needs to find a way to forgive him" Grey said "I can talk to Jackson" Angela suggested "Yeah that's something, But I doubt it will help I mean her last words were *it's your fault he is walking free and you are going to pay for that*" Nyla said "I know but we can't let Chen fuck him up even though she has every right to do so" Grey said looking defeated.

"I didn't even recognized Lucy" Grey admitted as he sat down "So angry but so vulnerable, I mean how did that happen?" Grey said " Caleb is a trigger for Lucy and Bradford kind of blamed it on her" Angela said "I mean she has every right to be this way but to actually see it come from her" Grey said " Nobody stands up to Bradford, nobody ever did and she just made him cry" Angela added "Well if somebody could break him it's Chen and she really did,Tim needs to deal with it on his own, we can't help him" Nyla said "Go home, well see how this will unfold tomorrow" Grey said and he walked back to his office. Angela and Nyla went home. "Lucy!" Jackson screamed into the locker room "Please it's Jackson". He added and Lucy walked out, changed and acted like nothing happened "Let's go" she said and they walked out of the station.

Lucy got mad at Tim Where stories live. Discover now