Part two; fight, fight

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Angela and Jackson walked over to them hearing their conversation "I've known Darrell a lot longer than I have you so get the hell out of my face" Tim said to her and he started to walk away "Hey Lucy are you okay, what happened?" Jackson tried holding her arm but she didn't acknowledge him "Tim, you can't walk away!" Lucy almost screamed. Now Angela, Jackson and Nyla were looking at them.

"BOOT, you do not tell me what to do, have you lost your fucking mind" Tim screamed at her "No but clearly you have!" She screams back just as loud. Grey saw the commotion and walked over to them "What the hell is going on?" Grey asked but didn't get a response "I get that your fed up but you are crossing a line here and I'm positive that he didn't do anything to you" Tim said walking away "YOU WEREN'T THERE" Lucy shouted and Tim turned around and started walking back to her.

"I asked you if I could go upstairs because, yeah Caleb ruined me to the bone and you flat out refused and left me with that asshole" Lucy said "What was I supposed to do, take your word over his?" Tim shouted at her as he was now inches away from Lucy "No, but you didn't even let me finish my statement on what happened and just took his word for it, and that right there is why you were wrong" Lucy shouted back with a straight face, there was a moment of silence of Lucy and Tim just staring at each other with death in their eyes.

"Get the hell out of my face officer Chen" Tim said "Why,... If you are so positive that your buddy didn't assault me, why don't we look at the bodycam footage huh?" Lucy said and the room went quiet "Look, this isn't about him assaulting me it's about you not trusting me and accusing me of lying" Lucy added "What is wrong with you!?" Lucy screamed in his face "You can't just go around and arrest people for saying you're hot" Tim screamed back "Oh fuck you" She said back and Nyla and Angela looked at each other in shock "I told you what happened and just called me a liar" "How can you still not get it?!, your friend assaulted me and you're blaming it on me" She said.

"I'm not blaming it on anyone because it . Didn't . Happen." He said, a tear ran down Lucy's face "If you say one more word I'll have your badge officer Chen" Tim said not moving an inch and Lucy smiled "O I already have yours" she said back "the only thing I have to do is submit the footage to court and press charges and it's bye bye Bradford" She said with a straight face "I am going to ask this one more time, what the hell is going on?!" Grey said as he pulled Tim and Lucy apart from each other, as they were now practically hugging each other.

"Why don't we see for ourselves huh?" Lucy said "No, You tell me what happened, Chen you go first" Grey said "Fine, we were at Darrell Solis apartment and he was home so we searched the house, and I asked Bradford if I could do it because darrell was making me uncomfortable by saying I was hot and such" Lucy said, stopping momentarily "he refused so when he got upstairs to do the search I had to stay with Darrell and then he assaulted me and so I arrested him and Bradford told me to let him go because he knew that Darrell could never do such a thing" Lucy said.

"And when I tried to explain the situation he cut me off and believed his friend over someone who is literally forced to always tell the truth" Lucy said "Nyla could I borrow your computer?" Lucy asked and Nyla walked with her to the computers "Are you 100% sure that that is what happened, this could get you fired" Nyla whispered to Lucy "100%" She said back and they started setting up Lucy's body cam footage. "Is this true Officer Bradford?" Grey said, turning his attention to him but Tim didn't respond. "Okay so let's see the footage then" Grey said and they all walked over to Nyla and Lucy. They set off the footage and everyone stood behind Lucy, the tape started. It started when Lucy knocked,

* "Mr Solis, we are the police open up" Darrell opened the door "Tim, it's good to see you man" He said "Yeah man, long time no see!" He said back. "Didn't know you had such a hot partner, man?" He said and laughed "Mr Solis, some people were concerned about you, saying they had not seen you in a few days" Lucy said "And feisty, have you married her already?" He commented and Tim sighed "Man, can we just come in?" "Yeah sure, I got nothing to hide" He replied and they walked in. When Lucy passed Darrell he stroked her shoulder on purpose, while standing close to her. *

Lucy stopped the video "This, right here is what made me uncomfortable" Lucy said "I get that but this isn't assault officer Chen, so I have to give Bradford right" Grey said "No, you guys are deaf or dumb, this is not the assault but it led to the assault" she snapped and she started the tape again, she skipped a bit,

* "Okay, so we just need to do a quick house search and then we will be on our way" Lucy said "Yeah, of course no problem" He replied "Okay, you stay with him and I'll do the search" Tim said "Can't you stay with him?" Lucy asked, obviously being uncomfortable with him "No boot, stay with him" He replied. And he went upstairs.* Lucy stopped the video again "I didn't really have a problem with this so let's just move on" she said and started the video again.

* "So you're his boot?" "Correct" Lucy replied "So are you single?" Darrell said while stepping closer to her "That's not any of your concerns, and please step back" she replied "So you are single?" He said and was still coming closer to her "Please step back, I am not going to ask again" Lucy said "don't be so boring" he said "Step back, now or I will have to use reasonable force" Lucy said but Darrell grabbed her breasts and tried to kiss her, It was a little hard to see because of the weird angle of the body cam but it was clear enough. Lucy kicked him in his stomach and threw him to the ground* 

Lucy stopped the video again and everyone was shocked "Want to explain to me how you are and I quote *positive that he didn't do anything to me*?" Lucy said but Tim didn't respond "Thank you for your answer so let's move on" she said and started the video again * "Darrell Solis you are under arrest for assault on a police officer" Lucy said "Okay, so everything was oka- What are you doing Chen?" Tim said.

"I'm arresting him for assault on a police officer, He-'' Tim clearly cut her off "Is this about the push?!, let him go" Tim said "No, sir when you wer-" She tried again "Let him go Chen" he said "Yes sir" she replied and uncuffed him "I'm sorry man, she has been through some trauma" Tim said "It's fine man, thanks for checking up on me"* Lucy stopped the video "And that is the part where I was cut off and not believed" Lucy said "Why didn't you let officer Chen finish?" Grey asked after a few minutes of silence "I- I am so sorry" Tim responded.

Lucy got mad at Tim Where stories live. Discover now