Chapter 8: Time in a Bottle // I Was Made for Lovin' You

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Chapter 8: Time in a Bottle // I Was Made for Lovin' You

‼️⚠️TW: blood, gore, more blood⚠️‼️

Songs: Time in a Bottle - Jim Croce, I Was Made for Lovin' You - YUNGBLUD

Lian Yu
3 Days after Capture

Cora woke, dangling from the ceiling. Her lip dripped with blood, mixing with the crimson puddle staining the concrete. The silence crashed over her in waves as she struggled against the chains holding her. They had stripped her of her clothes, the cool air hitting her skin, her sports bra dangling off of her limply. Her shoulder had slipped out of the socket, and she gritted her teeth in pain. She needed to escape. Waiting days for anyone to show up was starting to feel like an eternity, and she couldn't wait anymore. The collar around her neck kept her from healing her injuries, so the longer she hung there, the worse she felt.

Blowing a long breath out of her nose, she braced herself to move, waiting for the pain to hit full fledge. She gripped the chains with her right hand, using it to pull herself up towards the hook holding them on the ceiling. However, no matter how much leverage she gave herself, she simply couldn't get the angle right to unclasp the chains. She gave it several failed attempts, straining to unhook it.

"It's not going to work."

The voice caused her to jolt her head to the entrance of the cell. Her eyes widened, and the shock made her hands slip, dropping her. As the chains tightened, she could feel muscles tearing in her shoulders, a small wail of pain coming from her lips.

"Fuck!" She cried out, keeping tears from leaking from her eyes. The man across from her chuckled softly, his eyes holding concern.

"You always did have quite the mouth on you, darling," he said, stepping forward, placing a gentle hand on her chin.

"Orm, what are you doing here?" She muttered, "I can't tell if I'm hallucinating or going insane."

"You haven't figured it out yet?" He asked gently, his eyes holding a careful admiration.

"I'm tied to the ceiling in a moldy prison cell, it's not the top on my list," she grunted, trying to shift her weight.

"I'm here because you commanded me to be," he shrugged, "Took you long enough to conjure me in the right place though."

His playful jab made her laugh softly, "The fuck do you mean I conjured you?"

"When you were a baby, you fell extremely ill," he stated, pacing across the floor, "Phorcys used the blood of Hades to bring you out of the illness, to fight death."

Cora looked at him in confusion, "I don' does this tie in to the fact I conjured you?"

"Hades is the King of the Underworld, my love, he deals with spirits," he said, taking a seat across from her, pulling his fingers through his platinum hair, "His blood in your body means you have an inkling of his power."

"I...WHAT?" She asked, her eyebrow raised. She wasn't sure if she had gone completely insane. Her dead husband was telling her she had the blood of Hades, it didn't seem real.

"It's true," he chuckled softly. It tugged at her heart, she missed his laugh. She missed his smile, his eyes. She missed him.

"Why did you leave?" She whispered, dropping her gaze, fighting the swirl of emotions in her chest.

"I've never left you. You couldn't see me, couldn't feel me, but I was there," he whispered, cupping her face with his hands. His hands felt cold, icy, sending chills down her spine, "I've seen everything that you've done, I've been there for all of it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14 ⏰

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