"Don't cry..."

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The last week of school was always interesting, but sad. I didn't want to leave these boys for the summer even though I would see them. But with camp, family vacations, and sports there was no time for them. I probably couldn't and wouldn't survive without them. This school year was such a journey for me. And before I knew it was the last day of school. We barley did anything in class, the only thing we did was go to lunch. That was my favorite part of everyday, especially today. We all sat in a big huddle. I sat by Teddy and Vern. My last hour was the saddest, I loved that class. But I heard that the advanced class was better. After the bell rang we were out in the hall standing together.

"Some wicked year huh?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, sure." Vern said.

"I can't believe today is our last day..." I said.

"Well Fellas, this isn't the end but only the beginning!" Teddy said. I nodded my head. We all started singing Paladin as we walked out.

Have gun will travel reads the card of a man, a knight without armor in a savage land, his fast gun for hire heeds the calling wind, a soldier of fortune is the man called Paladin.

We all stood by the dirt road. We all skinned it in a row. We stared at each other and smiled. As we continued walking down the street of our houses we didn't say a word. It was the quietest we have ever been together. We kicked stones and purposely walked into one another. We were walking towards Vern's' house. Vern walked up the driveway without saying a word. I heard sniffling, and saw him wipe his face. I ran next to Gordie and just stared laughing at Vern. My house was next, sadly. I didn't want to leave these boys. As we walked along the road, I put my hand by my side. I looked up to feel something touch my hand. I looked down and Gordies finger was linked onto my pinky. I smiled and grabbed his hand. We held hands and my throat started to close up. As I came upon my mail box and turned to walk up the driveway, I let go. My hand reached out not wanting to let go. I didn't turn around; I knew if I did I would start to cry.I felt like someone was watching me, and turned around. Gordie stood there and smiled and had his arms open. I took a deep breath and a tear rolled down my cheek and I ran straight to him. I wrapped myself around him and he hugged me real tight. I sniffled, and more tears rolled down my cheek.

"Don't cry..." He whispered in my ear. I nodded my head and slowly pulled my self away and walked back up the drive way. I turned once more and he waved and winked. He ran up to the boys who were far up ahead. I walked into the house and slowly shut the door. I threw my bag to the floor and realized something. In Idaho, I never had friends like these boys. I never even had friends, I was by myself. These were,
The Four Boys Who Changed My Life...


Four Boys Who Changed My Life: A Stand By Me FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now