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On her knees, in the quiet of the sept, Lexi prayed for Stefan's recovery. It had been a week and Stefan was still in and out of dreams. When he did wake, he was usually in pain.

If there was one thing Lexi hated, it was seeing Stefan in pain. Yet pain always followed Stefan like a hound at the heels. Lexi couldn't help that but she could do her best to persuade him out of trouble at times.

Stefan claiming a dragon was unexpected. Rhaerion was a large beast with little tolerance for anyone. Stefan was often afraid, so the fact that he was able to claim her before Damon was a shock.

Saying her last few prayers, Lexi stood, straightened her dress, and headed towards the streets. She was flanked by two large guards both cloaked in gold.

Throughout the streets, small folk milled about. Skittering away from herself and the guard like insects running from the light. She did her best not to appear intimidating but the divide between classes was too deep in Kings Landing for anyone to believe her kind smile was real.

With help into her carriage, she was off towards the Red Keep. That place was dreadful and depraved but the Eyrie where she was born wasn't much better. She sometimes missed home nevertheless but Stefan was home to her.

Out of all the nobility she had met in her life he was one of the few she called friend. Damon's personality was too fickle for them to ever truly get along.

The carriage came to an abrupt stop but Lexi knew she wasn't riding long enough to be back at the Red Keep. She peered out of the curtained windows. She couldn't see anything but she heard much:

"By order of King Giuseppe Targaryen, Step to the side!" A male voice directed. No doubt a guard. Lexi's heart rate quickened.

What was going on?

"I have nothing to lose and my strife isn't with the king, it's with the likes of you, the guard." A voice replied. Lexi could hear swords begin to be unsheathed.

What was the meaning of this?

Lexi did what she always did, a bold move to try and placate the warring parties. She pushed open and carriage door and headed outside. She moved towards the front of the carriage to see what was happening. Two guards had their swords pulled on an older man. He looked to have been missing an arm.

"Sheath your swords!" She commanded.

"My lady, get inside the carriage! It isn't safe!" One of the guards put his sword away to usher her back inside.

"No!" She retaliated by standing firm. "Don't hurt him. He clearly can't fight. He has no weapon. How dare you?"

"He stood in our path," said the guard still blocking her way.

"You're in my path right now, should I plunge a dagger into your chest?" Lexi furrowed her eyebrows. She was quite small but the strength of her spirit and wit was unmatched. "Tell him to lower his sword and leave the man alone."

The guard thought for a minute then replied, "Only if you go back into the carriage."

Lexi didn't trust this man's word so she shouted over his side for the older man. "Sir? What is the meaning of this? Do you need help?"

"I want what's owed to me, My lady. These scum cut my arm off for stealing and now I can't find decent work. How do they mean for me to survive? How do they mean for any of us to survive with all their maiming? Some of us were decent folks just down on our luck, the punishments are too harsh." The man looked like he might cry.

Lexi figured the gold cloaks were cruel. She had noticed how it turned Stefan hollow and darkened his eyes. He must have been frightened at what he had to witness and justify. No wonder Stefan left the commander position.

"Here you may have my ring. Melt it down and sell it. It should keep you fed for a few months at least." Lexi didn't bother side steeping the guards she simply gave her ring a good toss towards the man.

Stunned he reached before his feet to pick it up. The smile that broke on his face was glorious. It made Lexi smile as well.

"Thank you, Lady! I won't forget you." The man backed away from the raised sword of the guardsman and back towards the alley way.

He would have gotten away if it wasn't for the arrow that shot through his neck. Lexi screamed and immediately lunged for the man. Strong arms held her back.

"How could you!" She screamed. For this, she'd never be placated. They'd have to drag her kicking and screaming back into the carriage. Lexi looked around to see which guard had released the arrow. None other than Lucien Lannister came prowling before the man. He had his crossbow lowered. His golden hair was cut low. Lexi knew him as the new Commander of the Gold Cloaks. She couldn't stand the Lannisters. Anytime one of them was near Lexi could feel their deep-rooted desire for power. Yes, they were a great house with a powerful army but Lexi would never accept the fact that the Targaryens were allying themselves with them.

Lucien stooped low and snatched the ring from the man's hand. Then he stalked over to Lexi. "I was in the area when I saw what was occurring. Thought I'd help out." Lucien held the ring out towards Lexi.

Lexi thought of letting him keep it but the thought of Lucien having something of hers made her sick. With a wet face and stuffed nose, Lexi held out her palm. Lucien placed the ring delicately into her palm but Lexi could have sworn he scratched her. Her hand closed over the ring.

"I will be telling the prince about what you've done," Lexi said between gritted teeth. "He'll have you punished."

Lucien laughed and smiled menacingly.
"Prince Stefan would have done the same. He hated the small folk. Didn't he ever discuss that with you?"

Lexi was caught off guard.

Stefan was a good man though a bit quiet and mysterious. He wouldn't harm a one-armed man.

Lexi thought of defending Stefan but that wouldn't strike fear in Lucien so instead she said:

"I never said which prince . . ."

Lucien's smile disappeared as Lexi's came back. Everyone was scared of Damon. If they weren't he'd teach them to be soon enough.

"Escort the lady home," Lucien demanded. Lexi struggled but couldn't overpower the gold cloak as Lucien said,"At least you kept your promise, he will never forget you because you were the last face he saw."

Lexi wanted to end the Lannister line right then and there. She couldn't but she'd hope for it. Maybe she could convince Stefan to take Lucien's position. He'd set things right once he was well.

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