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Giuseppe Targaryen sat before large windows at the head of the council table. Damon was seated to his left, the second most important seat at the table. Stefan's seat across from him remained empty.

The first night after the fight was the hardest for Damon. Though he was still livid Stefan was still his little brother. Yes, making Stefan's life miserable was amusing, but the fact that Stefan hadn't woken up yet was scary.

He'd visited his brother more than once and all Stefan had done was sleep. Damon recalled seeing him . . .


"The boy who claimed the dragon Rhaerion can't take a few blows with a sword?" Damon laughed. He often coped with humor but as Stefan didn't stir Damon got agitated. "Stefan if I would have known I would've hurt you this bad I wouldn't have done it. Rumors are spreading that I'm a Kin slayer and I'm not. You know I'd never try to kill you. You're strong, much stronger than this."

Damon paced a bit around the room.

"Just don't leave me in the retched keep alone. I hate almost everyone except you." Damon was beginning to speak from a place of desperation. He really couldn't lose his brother, it would cause him to shatter though he was already broken. Damon sat beside Stefan on the bed. He placed two hands on Stefan's shoulders and shook him.

A maid walked in at that exact moment. Damon turned to meet his shock-filled eyes.

"I wasn't trying to strangle him, though it might look it from your angle. No need to spread any more horrid rumors about me," Explained Damon.

The maid simply curtsied to Damon and went on about her business. Damon noticed her change a bowl of water. Dumping the old water for something more fresh.

"Pardon me? But what is that?" Asked Damon.

"It's a bowl for hand washing. Prince Stefan insists it is changed every night and morning," She replied.

"Hmm." Damon made a sound of nonchalance but wondered why Stefan needed to wash his hands so often. He wasn't commander anymore, he wouldn't come home with blood on his hands. He'd ask Stefan about it once he woke.

"You have to wake up Stefan, I'll still be horrible but I'll be a little less if you wake up," Damon promised knowing Stefan wasn't hearing him.


"Damon!" Giuseppe slammed a hand on the table. Shaking the cups of wine that lay before each councilman. "Did you hear a word we said?"

"Yes . . . War . . . Baratheons . . . Dragons," Damon said a bunch of words that were usually thrown around at meetings like this.

Giuseppe sighed and rested his head on his hand in annoyance. If they had been alone, Giuseppe might have slapped him.

"Lord Lucien, will you please explain to my son what he missed while he was off daydreaming?" Giuseppe took a large gulp of wine.

Damon turned his attention towards the golden-haired sycophant. Damon's nose scrunched with disgust. Lexi had come crying to Damon's room a few days ago distraught over what Lord Lucien had done. Lord Lucien had killed an unarmed man with his back turned. It was sickening.

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