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"Why didn't you kill that fucker hwan that day, Jeon??" Yoongi recalled gritting his teeth.

"Right time, hyung "

" It's not the time to be patient Jungkook. Fuck. You were fucking shot."

Hoseok glanced between both the gang leader and yoongi.

"Jeon, how did you know about Lee Hwan? "

"I've known that for a while hyung" Jungkook replied sitting on the chair of the meeting with legs sprawled out and hands inside his black hoodie pockets.

" Lee hwan is Lee Yul's son. Just like Yoongi hyung's uncle was a mole in that gang. Appa had his."

Yoongi's face expression turned hard upon his uncle's mention. A traitor.

"Lee yul kept him as a lover. Your uncle's mistake was to believe a liar, hyung. " Jungkook said upon realizing what's going inside yoongi's mind.

"He ratted out Jeon Sr, your father. Men without loyalty are spineless and they deserve nothing more than death. My uncle deserved his death. " Yoongi replied.

"Who's Jeon Sr's mole?" Hoseok asked.

"He'll be here before we attack. " Jungkook replied nodding at the elders in front of him.

"What about Mr Kim? He's hell bent to take taehyung with him. When you were asleep his men even kept coming here looking for taehyung. But everytime taehyung refused to go back.", hoseok interrogated putting forward the most sensitive topic.

" hmm, Mr Kim even calls Jimin. " Yoongi informed glancing at Jungkook.

"He'll get his share of treatment. Let me kill Lee hwan first. "  Jungkook's jaw clenched. His hands fisted each other inside the pockets.

"Why didn't you tell us all of this before? ", hoseok quickly asked wanting to divert jungkook from Mr Kim's topic while cursing himself for even asking.

"It was not the right time, hyung"

"Now it's the time?... After being shot? " , yoongi sarcastically shot.

Jungkook got up from his seat. His eyes drove to hoseok's and yoongi's before going towards the board where Lee Hwan's photo was pinned.

"I could not give him death that easily hyung. He needs to suffer. He needs to cry for mercy just like his father did. Lee's dared to step into my territory again. He needs to pay. I'll burn his skin, he'll beg me to kill him and how I'll chop his tongue, cock and then.. He won't even be able to beg for mercy... Hahahah.. It'll be fun hyung.. So fun.... 23 bullets will be paid off in this life. Grim reaper needs to wait for me more. "

With that Jungkook walked off. Yoongi and hoseok looked at each other before looking at the direction the leader went.

Jeon Jungkook is on a killing spree. He won't spare noone.


And then, Jeon Jungkook vanished. He was taken out of medication and the next moment he was gone.

Taehyung was hurt. Jungkook left again and this time he didn't even cared about taehyung. Taehyung hoped, prayed to god for a tiny possibility that Jungkook remembers that other night even if he knew that it's impossible after being intoxicated with the heavy dose of medicines.

But he was proven wrong when this morning Jungkook went away without informing or meeting him.

Yoongi and Hoseok hyung knows about his whereabouts because he met them before going. Everyone knows Jungkook is going to attack Lee Hwan and the members are getting ready for the mission.

Jungkook is directing them without being physically present here. And hoseok said Jungkook planted a mole in Lee hwan's gang way before.

Currently, Taehyung was sitting with Jimin ...who was telling him about himself and yoongi.

"He didn't said anything about liking me but he always sleeps while holding me close. "

Taehyung smiled looking at the blushing Jimin who was hiding himself inside the oversized sweater which belongs to yoongi.

"I've known him for a long time. He's not really expressive. But everyone can tell that he likes you chim."

"Really? "

"Yes chimmie. Yoongi hyung hates people around him when he sleeps. But he wants you close. "

Jimin blushed even more.



"Where are you going Jinnie?? ", Namjoon asked startled looking at Seokjin who was packing his bags.

Seokjin didn't replied anything and continued with his work. While Namjoon panicked as Jin never packs this much while going to his cafe. Does this mean Seokjin is leaving him for good?. No. Can't happen.

"No."... " You cannot go, jinnie.. No.. Please " , Namjoon mumbled.

Seokjin was packing his toiletries inside the bathroom when he heard it. A panicked long cry.

"NO! "... " Jinnieee you cannot leavee mee"

Seokjin quickly got out hearing Namjoon's voice. Suddenly, Namjoon held his hands and dragged him towards the bed.

"No no no " He kept mumbling while seokjin kept silent.

Namjoon made him sit on the bed while throwing his packed stuffs from the bed, clearing it. He himself sat beside seokjin and then laid down quickly keeping his head on seokjin's thighs.

"You can't. No jinnie you can't. " .... "This house haunts me without you and taehyung....i cannot stay strong anymore.....Jinnie don't go.. "

Seokjin's eyes left tears. He'd seen Kim Namjoon as Joonie..his joonie, who loved him and taehyung dearly. Man who showed his sentiments clearly. Man who never mistreated a single soul.

But suddenly after that incident with Seokjin, Joonie vanished. A new version of his husband arisen. And that version of Kim Namjoon, the man of ethics, etiquettes, pride...broke down once again?.

"W-why joonie?.. Why??.. W-was it my fault that I got r-raped?? " Seokjin hiccuped while asking the question he wanted to ask since that day.

Namjoon's breath hitched. The room fell silent. Now only sobs of seokjin could be heard.

"No.".. " Oh no.. Baby.. No.. Never.. Aishh.. How could you even say that ??.. " Namjoon quickly got up and cupped Seokjin's cheeks in his hands.

"Then whyy??.. Why I couldn't find you when you were the only person who could give me solace at that moment??.."..*sobs*...."I couldn't cry in front of taehyung, my baby was small...and you.. You detached yourself from me..completely..Why? "

Namjoon cried shaking his head.

" W-was I not w-worth to be with after being used?? "

Namjoon looked at seokjin shocked.

"N-no, honey.. Baby... Don't ever say that. You understand?? " Namjoon said tightly gripping seokjin from his shoulders.

Seokjin cried hardly. Namjoon quickly took him in his arms.

"I-i couldn't save you. I couldn't . I was in guilt ..i still am because all of that happened because of me."

Seokjin shook his head quickly.

"No.. Don't blame yourself. It was not your fault"

Namjoon looked at seokjin through his tears .

"Denying it won't change anything jinnie, you suffered because of me. "..." My Jinwoo died because of me. I'm his culprit. "

Namjoon cried his tears falling non stop. The pain he had always been keeping inside is finally getting out.

Hey. Please vote, share and comment. Finally in next chapter the truth of Jeon Sr death and why Namjoon didn't save him.



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