How it began

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One year earlier

            I walked down the familiar road as the leaves crunched under my feet. I sighed to myself thinking about what my next mission was going to be. I didn't want to do this, but I had too I would do anything to save my sister.I contemplated about the many lives I've ruined for my family. I kept walking until I reached the abandoned warehouse, I knocked on it three times waiting for the door to to open.

"Who is it?" responded a bitter voice.

"It's me Lucy, number 128842," I replied in a dull tone. The door opened with a long creek as the buff man moved aside to let me in.

"Thanks." I sighed as I walked inside and heard the door close with several locks shutting back into place. I was always dumbfounded on how it looked so different from the outside to the inside.It looked like a very official building, the type that you would see CEOs working in. I sauntered slowly through the main office as i made my way to the dimly lit hallway.I stopped at the door that was raven black with an intricate design in the middle. In a way the design looked just like swirls but kept the shape of a sphere. I raised my hand as i let out two sharp and abrupt knocks on the wooden door.

"Come in," said a rough voice. I complied as I twisted the door know and let myself in as i softly shut the door. I made my way to the black leather sofa gazing back at my boss.

"Thanks for coming Lucy. I have a mission for you," He explained bluntly.

"Whose life am I destroying this time?" I asked in an indifferent as he started chuckling humorlessly.

           He skimmed his fingers through the files in a delicate manner trying to find the exact one in the huge stack of files. He gave himself a pleased smile as he handed me the file in which i took abruptly. I skimmed at the file's name Niall Horan. I took out the contents inside of the file and saw a picture of Niall smiling brightly at the camera.

          I looked carefully at the picture as i noticed that his hair was actually brown and not blond due to his roots showing. He had milky white skin that complimented his deep ocean blue eyes and bright white teeth. He had a slim but lean figure and was around 5'8.

"So...what's the premise of this mission?" I inquired locking me eyes back at my boss.

"I want you to fall in love with him," he replied coldly

"What?" I asked incredulously, "am I hearing this right?"

"Yes actually you are. If he starts to trust you that's when he'll open up and start telling you close and personal secrets. So, by being his girlfriend he'll feel close to you and start to tell you all these and won't have a doubt about it because of how much he trusts you. I also want you to know every time he or one of the guys tell you something personal or in a form of a secret call me, so i can inform the paparazzi, got it. Also there will be no time limit on this mission so no rush." He explained thoroughly as i nodded and pin pointed the vital information to remember.

" How am I suppose to even get close to him?He's in the biggest and well known boy band in the world." I asked exasperatedly.

"That's why you're going to be the new manager of One Direction. Try to get in on all of their personal lives, including Niall who you're going to be falling in 'love' with," he explained adding air quotes around love. 

"Yes sir,  when am I leaving?" I asked.

"You better pack up now, you'll be leaving to London in two days," he said with a sharp tone. I  gave a quick nod and got up walking to the door when he called me once more "And Lucy?"

"Yes, sir?" I inquired as I tightly gripped the doorknob staring intently at the door.

"I forgot to add don't get emotionally attached with any of them or you know what happens." He stated warningly 

"I promise I won't. Goodbye," I responded as I stepped out of the room shutting it behind me and made me way to my next mission.


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