CH-20: Strategy

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3rd Person's POV:

"COME HERE! I WILL KILL YOU! JUST LIKE HOW YOU KILLED MY WALLET!!" Byeol was chasing Iseul, who was just laughing and running around. "Stop both of you." Chan was tired as hell and had no energy left to run and stop them. "OPPA!" Iseul screamed and ran behind Chan and Minho, using both of them as her shield. "Stop using us like paper, idiot." Minho huffed and tried to free himself meanwhile Byeol was standing like a predator in front of them.

"Minchan attack!" She pushed he two boys forward, with Chan falling on top of Byeol and Minho, poor boy actually didn't fell but only stumbled and God knows how he ended up hugging Hana who was standing beside him. Byeol got lost in those tired eyes, which were staring at her. Both the pair of eyes were lost in each other, sharing a moment, with an unexplainable feeling and emotion and were in their own world, until someone else spoiled it.

"Who will blink first?" The two turned their heads and saw Yujin sitting on the couch beside them with a pout. The two blinked and she clapped, "I counted; 143 seconds passed." She smiled at them and then went to Jeongin, who was lost in his own world.

"Everyone! SETTLE DOWN!!" Hana shouted and no one moved an inch. Felix stopped pulling Jisung's hair out, Iseul stopped tickling Hyunjin, Aera and Eunji stopped munching on the cookies which Jeongin handed them, Seungmin and Jiyeon stopped fighting with Changbin over the topic 'being single is better or not' and finally Ryujin and Boemgyu stopped dragging Heesung by his legs on the floor, for no specific reason at all.

"Now, everyone tells what happened with whom, so that we can plan on new strategies to help each other." She announced and they all scurried their way to her. "My team settled an ice cream stall. It was good since Jungkook and Minho threatened every single student to not set up an ice cream stall because I wanted to do so." Hana said and glared at the boy who innocently smiled at her.

"My team, which included Haru, Naru and Yeji, set up a small stall in which the two boys gave hugs for just 1000 won." Eunji proudly stated. "Well, I teamed up with Felix, Jisung, Minjee and Jia. Felix and Jisung did the work of arranging things and all, we three girls did fortune telling." Aera stated and smiled widely, receiving a thumbs up from others.

"My team set up a stall for Destiny reading. You know that app on which these guys did the matching things? Yes, we used that app and lured all of them. HAHAHA." Seungmin devilishly laughed and Jiyeon did a victory sign. "My team set up a small court like arrangement. Gosh, I literally witnessed 5 breakups today itself and it's just the first day. God knows what will happen in the next two days." Iseul shook her head. "Okay, the freshmen? What happened to your stall?" Hana asked the youngest ones.

"It didn't take us to even 15000 won. We must make a million won for full marks. How can we achieve that?" Ryujin cried. "Aww, now what?" Aera said in concern. "I have an idea!" Eunji lightened. "And that is?" Jeongin asked soullessly. She smirked. She looked around and nodded at every man in the room. "What if we use these boy's face cards?" She asked and the girls perked up. "What? Like how you used your boyfriend's?" Jeongin asked with a big scrawl decorating his face.

"Yes! But in a smarter way." Eunji stood up excitedly. "You could make a deal with them. If they buy 10 cookies, each one costing 1000-2000 won,1000 for what they decorate and 2000 for those which you guys decorate and then they can get any one of the boy's postcards!" She announced. There was a deep silence until Byeol perked. "I like it." Some other agreed as well with her, including some of the boys, except one.

"No!" Hyunjin stood up. "Why?" Iseul whined. "Why? Please I don't want them to touch my beautiful face. Only you are allowed." He scowled. "But Daehwa is Siwoo's brother. This is why he is competing with us for no reason at all and we need to beat him." Jeongin said, internally smirking because this might get on Hyunjin's nerves. The taller shook his head.

"Do it. We need to defeat those losers."

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