Newt imagine(with possibly thomas;) - hisnameiscastiel

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This is a newt imagine for hisnameiscastiel! Yay! I feel like a wattpad fangirl right now because I was freaking out that she commented on MY STORY!! (*faints)
So excited and I hope y'all like it

Mariel's nightmare POV
She was running, just another day as a runner in the maze, but when she got back to the glade entrance the doors were shut!
"No!" She screamed then turned around frantically only to see ten grievers turning on her. "Help! Newt! Please, anybody!" They lunged for her and-
Mariel woke up screaming. She'd rolled out of her hammock at some point so now she was curled up in a ball, shaking underneath her hammock. Her boyfriend, Newt, was a heavy sleeper and hadn't stirred from his hammock.
I shouldn't wake him up, she thought. So she continued to roll back and forth with her head between her legs with tears streaking her face. Then she heard a voice behind her and looked up slowly. "Newt?"
"Uh-no, it's Thomas." He said as he sat down beside me. "Are you alright?" He asked and put his around her.
"Y-yeah it was j-just a nightmare."
"Don't worry,"he said."I get them too. You just have to tell yourself that it's not real."
"But it felt real." He reached out and pushed. A strand of black hair behind her ear as he did so, his eyes never left hers; gazing into the deep brown. She put her arms around his waist and leans into him, mostly because it was cold out, but also because she found it comforting.
"Hey!" Said a familiar British voice. "What are you doing with my girlfriend?"
"N-newt," I started but Thomas answered.
"I'm comforting her because she had a nightmare and since you weren't up I figured-"
"What? You thought you could just steal my girlfriend?"
"No-I." Thomas got up slowly and walked off.

"What was that for newt?" You asked angrily.
"I don't want him touching you, Mariel"
"Newt, I love you and I always will, but you need to accept that Thomas is my best friend. He knows we're together and he was just trying to help."
"Alright, Mariel. I get it. I'm sorry I yelled."
"It's okay newt. I'm glad you care about me so much."
And then you two got into newts hammock and fell asleep.
Sorry guys! I know it was short but I hope you liked it! Imagines are of course still open! Please request! Love y'all and I hope especially that hisnameiscastiel liked it.
Also I wanted to thank another insporational writer her series has made my life and really makes me want a super (pun intended) boyfriend:)

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