Minho imagine- @hannahgrace2000

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OMG my first imagine :)
Please take it easy on me guys cause being a fan myself I know how much these characters mean to you all. This is dedicated to my best friend and also one of the biggest TMR fans ever:
And also to hisnameiscastiel
Thanks you two I love y'all.

Minho's dream POV
"Hannah where are you?" I called out in vain. I was in the middle of the maze and Id lost my best friend. I started running and running without looking up when suddenly I heard the metal screeching of a griever. I was surrounded; there was no escape.
"Help!" I screamed, but no one could help me; the doors were still closed. Then the griever lunged-
-------end of dream-----
I woke with a start and accidentally flipped out of the hammock and in the process I woke up Hannah who was sleeping in the hammock beside mine.
"Minho! Are you okay?" Her beautiful eyes filled with concern.
"I-I y-yeah I guess. I-it was j-just a nightmare." I couldn't stop my hands from shaking.
"Hey, it's alright ok?" She said as she snuggled into my side. "Everything's gonna be okay." She put her head on my chest and our breathing synced.
"Thanks, Hannah. "
"Anytime." She replied. And then she whispered so quietly I almost didn't hear it: "always."

So I hope y'all enjoyed my first Minho imagine:) I haven't written one like that before. As I said it was for my BFF
HannahGrace2000. And I want to also give many thanks to some authors who inspire me:
Love you all! <3

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