Shift Four

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Please heed the warning: non-human cannibalism but it's still cannibalism
I sat there for a while in the now parked car. I'm glad my friends were with me while I drove. It made me feel calmer. Todd patted my shoulder. "You got this man!" He reassured "Yeah kick some double ganger ass!" Larry added.

"You'll do great.. trust me," Ash said and smiled. I felt like I was gonna cry. Being reassured always made me emotional, I think that's normal.

I nodded "thanks guys.. don't forget to call Chug about us, actually getting the Demon to show up.. or maybe don't.. poor guy gets anxious as it is when we even talk about ghosts."

I got out and waved goodbye to them, Todd got in the driver's seat and buckled up. They all waved bye and drove off. I sighed and opened the door, and then I checked into work. What'd I do to deserve such cool friends? I got into the little office and sat down.

I checked over the list like every day. Hm? Afton.. Mia Stone, Arnold, and Alf.

Short list today. That's cool. I waited around for a bit when Afton came through. He gave me his papers, and I analyzed most of it before I saw something really odd on his papers.

"Hey, your ID says it expires back in the fifties.." I look at him, and he just stared at me."What do you mean? It's 1955." He claimed. I checked the calendar, 1995. I stared at him and blinked and hit the red button on the wall, and called the D.D.D.

And I waited. A while, what the fuck? Are these Doppelgangers stuck in time? How could it think that it was 30 years ago?

I heard the barrier go up, "continue your job, sir." And the guy in the hazmat suit left, hm. I do my job as instructed. It's all repetitive, but the time between people keeps getting blurred together, only feeling like a few seconds before the next.

"Hello," someone new came in. I blinked and laughed softly, calm down. Geeze, that was fast, or was it. So I took the person's documents. And then I let them through eventually.

I counted the minutes the best i could before seeing a red head come in. He looked normal. I grabbed the file for floor one and glanced at the picture. "Hm.." I looked at the man, then the picture."Um.. you don't have eyebrows.."


"What?" I blinked more, those no thought or to many thought eyes changed within the second. "Um.." I leaned to the button and pushed it. The Doppelganger pounded on the window. "Do you want to see my real form? You can if you let me in!"

"No thanks.." I mumbled and covered my ears, the pounding and the alarm, and the talking was too much for me at the moment. It soon passed and sighed. The hazmat Suited man looked at me. "Has everyone on the list came in?"

"No. I still have two people."

He nodded and sighed, "Continue till the end of your shift if another doppelganger comes through go home after the cleaning protocol."

"Um.. alright, thank you." I waved bye to him and sighed. I hoped for no more doppelgangers, I don't think I can deal with it today. After that doppelgangers, I let in the real Afton, then I let his fiancee in, then Alf came through. The only person I was waiting for was Arnold.

Tapping on the desk, I inspected my area. I honestly don't do it often, but something I've noticed is that it's really dusty, like super dusty. Am I supposed to clean it myself? If I do, nobody told me I was on cleaning duty to, will that get docked from my pay?

The clock in the room also broke at some point it's stuck at 3:22. It's not incredibly clear if that A.M. or P.M.

Ooh, creepy, it broke at the devil's hour. The thought was entertaining. I wish I had brought my gearboy. I'm fucking bored.

After what felt way too long, Arnold came through. He looked tired. Obviously, it's late, I'm also tired, I look over his things, making sure to be thorough because I would probably would make a mistake if I didn't. Then I gave him his things back and let him through. With that!

I can go home! I got ready to leave and got locked up. Then I head outside into the night air. It was a little cold. I looked around, and Todd wasn't here yet!

I crouched down on the sidewalk and pouted under my prosthetic. I look around. Scary. Really fucking scary out here. What if one of those things is here. That's freaky to think about. Todd, please get here!

I fidgeted and waited for Todd. Soon, seeing those headlights come into the parking lot, "Yay!" I cheered and ran to the car. "Hey guys."

I got in, and Todd smiled. "Hey, how was work?" He asked. "It was weird, kind of slow.. not awful, I guess." I shrugged. Larry smiled. "Your job is weird as fuck so makes sense"

I laughed and Todd began to drive again and we left the buildings parking lot. I sighed softly "Their was two of them this time. It wasn't as stressful as I thought it would be, you know?"

"No, we don't." Larry laughed. The car was silent till Todd had to screech to a halt. A big form across the road. It was rippling, and a deep color looked almost black. "What the fuck is that?!" Larry yelled. I was staring in shock. "Todd! Turn around right fucking now.."

I didn't have to tell him twice, the noises coming from the creature was sick squelching noise, and as the light from the headlights moved on the crevasses of the thing I could make out it was two. Two big things, one lifeless. The dirt of the road was becoming blackened and wet from the display.

Larry was also watching, and I knew when rustling came from the back and retching came from Larry. Todd sped out of view from it. I felt sick, but I don't think I could throw up at the moment.

"You know what that is, too.. don't you, Sal."

"You do too, Todd. I.. let's not discuss it right now."
Holy shit- well, I didn't plan to end the chapter with Doppelganger cannibalism but I did. Woopsies next chapter won't end as heavy, I think!

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