1. All of a sudden pt.4

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Kyle's heart sank as Nick collapsed like a doll. It felt as if the solid ground had collapsed in an instant. Before he realised what was happening, his legs moved and he leapt, catching Nick in his arms.

The solid body in his arms was as hot as a ball of fire. He could feel the heat even through his coat. His heart was pounding in his chest, as if it was going to explode. Kyle kicked the door open with his foot, feeling his blood run cold in contrast to Nick's body.

He'd been nervous earlier. He should have forced him out of the office this morning. No, he should have called Luther immediately. And here he was, indecisive and stupid.

Fighting back the intense disgust that was welling up inside him, Kyle pulled Nick inside. His body was limp, and he seemed unconscious. He choked on the insane fear that coursed through his veins. Beginning with the realisation that dying now would not help Nick, Kyle's long-suppressed feelings of self-loathing rose to the surface.

Allowing the negative emotions to gnaw at his mind, he laid Nick down on the couch. Reaching up, he checked the pulse on Nick's neck and then dialled Luther. His doctor didn't answer at first. After about five beeps, a soft-spoken, middle-aged man's voice came through.

"This is Luther Milan."

"It's me, Luther. I need you to come to my house right away."

"Right away?"

"Nick has collapsed, he has a high fever."

Oh, no. A sigh echoed through the phone. Kyle stifled a barrage of questions and comments that threatened to burst forth, managed to add a word. It took so much self-control that his knuckles turned white.

"I want you to come as soon as you can, I'm open to all cases."

If he didn't come at once, I'd have to find someone else. If Luther didn't come in twenty minutes, I'd have to go to Euston Station, the nearest College Hospital. The best thing, of course, would be for Luther to come here. Luther, who had looked after Kyle since he was in secondary school, was one of the best in Europe.

"Hey Roger. Do you know SOAS? Drive me in that direction. ....... OK, that's King's Cross, we'll be there in ten minutes."

"Thanks. Please...."

"Kyle, don't panic too much, sometimes pheromones of Kyle's magnitude can affect patients in negative ways. It's going to be okay, just hang in there."

"Okay, ......."

The call ended. Kyle knelt down in front of Nick, who was lying on the couch with his eyes closed. Only his erratic breathing echoed loudly in the still air. After drying his face, Kyle placed his hand on Nick's cheek.

The heat rising to his pale face refused to go away. He tried to convince himself that it was just the flu, but an ominous thought haunted him. What if I'm making the wrong decision, what if I'm wasting time when I should be running to the hospital right now?

I can't even imagine Nick getting sick or dying. Just thinking about it brought unbearable pain. Kyle's body trembled slightly, as if reacting to his unsteadiness. Nick frowned and started tossing and turning. Remembering Luther's words to calm down, Kyle moved away from him. Fear flashed through him that he might be doing Nick more harm than good. Shaking his head, he pushed himself to his feet. Just then there was a knock at the door.

"Kyle, it's me."

It was Luther's voice. Kyle stumbled out onto the porch, dazed and blind. He hurriedly opened the door and Luther walked straight in, a folded blue hospital gown in his arms. Placing the gown on the table by the front door, Luther called out to him.

"Where's Mr White?"

"I left him in the living room."

Luther raised an eyebrow as he followed Kyle to the sofa. After running a hand through his brown hair, which was beginning to blend into his grey, Luther set the bag he'd brought down beside him and sat down next to Nick. His hands fumbled with a medical thermometer and a stethoscope. Kyle, who had pushed himself off the couch and was circling Nick's feet, asked urgently.

"How's he doing?"

Luther didn't answer. Murmuring to himself, Luther pulled more items out of his bag. Only after pulling out a wrapped needle, syringe and latex bandage did he turn to Kyle.

"Well, I don't think he's got anything serious... but it's a bit odd that he's unconscious. Can you get him some water, Kyle, just in case?"

Kyle barely breathed as he turned and headed for the kitchen instead of answering. His tension eased slightly at the mere mention of no urgency. Clenching and unclenching his fists, he opened the fridge door.

The cool rush of air against his skin sobered him even more. Pouring filtered water into a glass, he headed for the living room. He was greeted by Nick, who was halfway to his feet. His eyes were slightly open. Blood rushed slowly through his body as he realised, he was conscious, and his heart sank as he noticed that Nick's face looked even more haggard than usual.

Kyle bit his lip hard. He was upset.

"......Ah, Kyle."

Nick, who had been talking to Luther with a furrowed brow, looked over at Kyle and smiled. Luther was packing his bag; Luther had just taken a blood sample. Luther's expression was a little serious. Kyle walked over to Nick and offered him a cup of water. Nick's hands were white as he took it. Kyle's concern grew at the sight of him looking so unusually frail.

"Are you OK?"

He felt pathetic that he couldn't do much to help Nick when he was sick. He should have become a doctor who was able to at Nick's side, not a lawyer. Forcing himself to lift his spirits, Kyle turned to Luther.

"When do we have to go through the hospitalisation process?"

"What kind of hospitalisation, it's not that...."

Nick interrupted Kyle. He looked at Luther with a doubtful expression. Apparently there had been an exchange, Luther kept his expression serious and looked back and forth between Kyle and Nick.

"Kyle, would you excuse us for a moment, I need to talk to Nick first."

My heart clenched again. Just a few minutes ago he'd been told it was nothing serious, but the sight of the two men looking so unhappy sent Kyle into a tailspin of anxiety. Stiffening, Kyle stared at Luther, then nodded reluctantly.

He didn't want to leave Nick behind, but.... he wasn't going to make things any better by being pushy. I'm sure Luther will tell him everything as soon as they're done talking. He hesitated for a moment, his shoes spinning in place as he walked towards the stairs leading up to the second floor of the house, then he stopped again and turned around. His eyes locked with Nick's, who was staring at me.

The cool, handsome face smiled softly at Kyle. Staring at Nick's adorable face, Kyle bit his lip and turned away.

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