Chapter 45

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The trial was tomorrow. Sam was flying back to West Virginia for it and leaving Penelope with Britt on the road. Emily was granted time off. She was told to take as much time as she needed. She'd started therapy sessions again through video chat. She was doing them four days a week three hours a day. Emily and Sam talked every day. She was getting ready for bed when her cell phone rang.

"Hello?" She said.

"Hi baby." Sam said.

"Hi sweetheart."

"What are you doing?"

"Getting ready for bed." "Although I doubt I'll sleep very much tonight."

"You're nervous about tomorrow aren't you?"

"I'm scared."


"I don't want to see him."

"It'll be ok." "I'll be there with you to get you through it."

"I know."

"After tomorrow you won't have to worry anymore." "He's going away."


"He will."

"What if the jury takes forever to get back with a decision?"

"They won't." "They're gonna see what he did and they're gonna find him guilty, fast."

"I'd just feel better if you were here."

"I'll be there first thing in the morning." "I'm taking the six o'clock flight."

"How's Penelope?"

"Good." "She misses you though."

"I know I miss her to."

"How was your flight to West Virginia?"

"Fine." "I'm gonna get off of here and go to bed but I love you."

"I love you too." "See you tomorrow."

"Ok goodnight."


The next morning Emily and Sam were in the court building parking lot sitting in the car. Sam was in the driver's side.

"Are you ready for this?" Sam asked.

"As long as you're with me."

"I'm right here."

The trial was going on. Travis's lawyer asked him to explain what happened.

"I invited her to my room to discuss getting back together." Travis said. "She was upset because she and her boyfriend had recently split but we'd been talking prior to that." "We made love." "It was beautiful." "The next thing I know I'm being arrested for rape with no idea why."

"That's a lie!" Emily shouted standing up. "You know what you did to me!"

The judge banged her gavel. "Order!" "Sit down Miss DiCaprio."

Emily lawyer got up to cross examine Travis.

"Mr. Hunter you claim the night in question with my client was consensual?" She said.


"Then how do you explain the bruises on her wrists and legs?"

"She likes it rough."

"So I guess her split lip and black eye were just part of the fun?"

"Things got a little out of hand that's all."

"Or was it because she wouldn't take you back?" "You were angry and wanted to teach her a lesson."

"No!" He shouted. "She loves me!"

"No further questions."

Emily told her story Travis's lawyer got up to cross examine her.

"Miss DiCaprio." He said. "Do you know a Nicolas Nemeth?"

"Yes I do."

"Is it true that his DNA also showed up in your rape kit?"

"It's true."

"Isn't it true that Mr. Nemeth was the one that really raped you?"

"No." "It was Travis Hunter."

"No further questions."

Emily and Sam had went to lunch. By the time they were done Emily had gotten a call saying the jury had reached a verdict. They were in the courtroom.

"Have you reached a verdict?" The judge asked.

"We have Your Honor." "On the charge of rape we find the defendant guilty."

"I will pass sentence immediately." "Mr. Hunter please stand." He did. "I hereby sentence you to twenty years in the state penitentiary, which you will begin serving immediately." "Court is adjourned." Travis was taken away.

Emily and Sam hugged on the courthouse steps.

"It's over Em." Sam said. "He can't hurt you anymore."

"I couldn't have done it without you." "You gave me the strength and courage." They kissed.

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