Chapter 52

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Two years had passed. Emily and Sam were still going strong. Amy and Nic had been together for two years and engaged for one. Nine months into their relationship Nic had gotten Amy an apartment. Their wedding was tomorrow. Emily was with Amy. Amy was doing her final dress fitting.

"Ready?" Amy asked from behind the dressing room door.


Amy opened the door. She was wearing a long white wedding gown. It was lacey and backless. "What do you think?"

"You look perfect."



"I just want to look perfect for Nic."

"You'll always look perfect to him." "He loves you." "You could walk down the aisle in a sackcloth and it wouldn't matter to him."

"I just want everything to be great tomorrow."

"It will be." "You're beautiful." "I wish I would have done a traditional wedding when I got married."

"You didn't?"

"No we were going to but we decided on a Vegas wedding." "I regret that." "I would've liked to pick out a dress and a cake and invitations."

"Then why didn't you?"

"At the time it just seemed more convenient for our schedules to have a Vegas wedding."

"Maybe you'll still get the opportunity to plan a wedding." She said smiling.

"How many times do we have to have this conversation?" She said smiling back. "Sam and I don't want to get married."

"Why not?" "You're perfect together." "You're raising a child together." "Marriage is the next logical step."

"Screw logic." "We're perfectly happy with the way things are."

"There's not even a little part of you that wants to get married?"

"Not at all."

"I don't believe you." She walked in front of the full-length mirror in the room. "Good." "You can't tell."

"Tell what?"

"That I'm pregnant."

"What?" Emily said shocked.

"I'm pregnant."

Emily went over to her. "Oh my god." She said happily. "Amy." They hugged. "When did you find out?"


"I'm so happy for you."

"I'm happy to." "I'm gonna be a mommy." She said excitedly.

"Does Nic know yet?"

"No." "I'm telling him some time tomorrow." "I just haven't decided when yet." "If it's a girl, I'm naming her after mom." "Monique Marie." "I have to change out of this dress and meet Nic at my apartment." "He says he has a wedding present for me."

Amy went and met Nic at her apartment. They got in his car and he made her put on a blindfold. They'd been driving for a half hour. The car stopped and Nic helped Amy out of the car. They took a few steps.

"Ready baby?" Nic asked.

"Yeah." He took the blindfold off. Amy saw she was standing in front of a huge brick two story house.

"This is our house Amy." "I bought it for us." "To start our life together."

She turned to him and smiled. "I love it Nic." "I love you."

"I love you too." "I can't wait until tomorrow."

"Me either." They kissed.

The next morning everyone was at the church. Last minute preparations were being done. Emily was getting ready to go out. She was the maid of honor. Penelope was the flower girl. She went up to Emily.

"You look beautiful mommy." Penelope said.

"Thank you." "So do you." Emily said.

"Both of you look beautiful." Amy said going over to them.

They got word it was time to start. Penelope went out first. Sam was sitting in the front row. Next it was Emily's turn. She was wearing a backless, lavender, light purple gown that went down to the floor. When she and Sam saw each other they smiled.

After the ceremony at the reception hall Amy and Nic were having their first dance.

"We're finally married." Nic said happily.

"It felt like it took forever to get here." "I have a wedding present for you." "I've been trying to figure out the right time to give it to you."

"Where is it?"

She stopped dancing and put his hand on her stomach. "I'm pregnant Nic." She said smiling.

"Really?" He said smiling.

"Yeah." "You're gonna be a daddy." They kissed.

"This is great." Nic ran up stopped the band and grabbed a microphone. "Excuse me everyone." "My new beautiful wife has just informed me that she's carrying our first child." Everyone clapped.

After they cut the cake and ate everyone was dancing. Amy and Nic came dancing up to Emily and Sam.

"Can we cut in?" Amy asked.

"Sure." Emily and Sam said.

Emily was dancing with Nic.

"You're a beautiful bridesmaid." Nic said.

"Thanks." "Congratulations on the baby." "You'll make a great father."

"Thanks." "I can't wait till it's born."

"I can't wait to be called aunt Emily."

Amy was dancing with Sam.

"Congratulations on the baby Amy." Sam said.

"Thank you." "I can't wait to be a mother."

"It was a beautiful ceremony."

"So, you really think you and Emily will never get married?"

Sam smiled. "Honestly, I have thought about it but why mess with a good thing." "We're happy." "That's all that matters." "Although I'll admit, seeing her walking down the aisle in that dress really tugged on my heart strings." "Don't tell her I said that though." "I don't want her freaking out."

An hour later Emily and Sam were dancing.

"You look so beautiful Em." Sam said.

"Thank you sweetheart." "You look handsome."

"I love you."

"I love you too." They kissed.

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