Chapter 9

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I stood there in shock. How could he do this again? He knew the terrible outcome of when he cheated last time. He put his head down in disappointment of himself. Pearl smirked and laughed knowing what she was doing.

I walked back to my room. I was so disappointed in him. He promised he wouldn't. Pacing back and forth I began crying out of anger. I put my stuff back into my bags, my sweater being thrown in also. As I sloppily threw everything in the two boxes Alyssa put in my pockets flew out landing next to the night stand. I heard a knock on the door and assumed it was Myles. Quickly I grabbed the boxes not examining them throwing them underneath the pile of clothes I yelled 'Go Away'.

"It's just Kalin." I walked a short distance towards the door and pushed the handle down and pulled it towards me.

"Sorry I kinda snapped at you a bit, just frustrated and my emotions seem to be everywhere lately." I gave out a slight laugh and smile just to lighten the mood a bit, showcasing I wasn't the happiest of people.

"I'm sorry about that, Cameron just told me what happened cause he was able to catch a bit of it making his way back from the Ice Machine Room for the room temperature liter Sprite we'd order with some pizza. That hopeless case Pearl must've just gotten here, never like the girl when they were a couple a long while back."

I looked down as awkwardness filled the room. Speaking of their past relationship didn't make me feel any better than how I was feeling already.

"Think I'm gonna hit the road bubba." I said with a slight grin on my face. Bubba is what his side of the family calls him. I made it up, Lala his little sister approving of it. I've known her since she was born literally I was beside the delivery bed when Starlah was having her. Watching her grow up almost a little lady at the age of 6 I miss her dearly.

"Nah, don't let this mess up your trip! You can hang with me today and tomorrows show."

"You're right, I needa loosen up a bit to how I was back then, and even then I was still like this." laughing a bit, forgetting what had happened for a moment Kalin pulled me into a hug. His comfort soothed the fury inside of me.

We drove into the DownTown part of the city and went for some bowling afterward lying on a lawn of grass at a near by park admiring the sunset.

"Thanks for tonight, really thankful to have you here." The cool grass skimming the lower left part of my cheek.

"Of course! Brooke you're like a little sister to me you know, along with Lala and Tayler. I hope you know I always got you, if you need a place to stay you know where to slide, if you need a shoulder to lean on you know to hit up." That night of the party, I've obviously kept in touch with Kalin since. Along the way it was brought to my attention from others like Julie who is close to the woman who watched me in Foster Care. Kalin's mother being Starlah.

Our drive back to the hotel not too long, Kalin stayed in my hotel room and ordered us late night room service and rented a few movies. Since being a T.V. in the living room with a couch turning into a pull-out bed we chilled on there. I was leaning on the upper part of the couch where it was still cushioned and Kalin layed his head on my lap.

Us both slowly falling asleep, forgetting our room-service and leaving all electricity on.

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