🔥Part 12; The Forgotten Night

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⚠️TW: Implied smut, (sexual assault?)

{446 words}

As the rising sun shone in between all of the tall city buildings, I groaned and rolled over.

My eyes pressed tightly shut, and I felt a presence in the bed beside me.

My eyes flung open and I was met with the sight of a naked man facing away from me.

"What the fuck happened last night?" I groaned softly to myself as I sat up and held the pain in the side of my head.

As I felt the white blanket fall off my chest when I sat up, I saw that I was also nude. "Shit."

I slowly and softly tried to get out of bed without waking up the person who shared it with me... I stood up and pulled a cover off the bed to cover my naked body with, and the man groaned, stirring in his sleep.

My clothes were spread all around the black carpet of the hotel. I have no memory of what happened last night.

I grabbed my clothes and rushed into the small bathroom, jumping in the shower really quickly to wash the strong stench of cologne off of me.

I winced as the freezing water hit my back, sending shivers down my spine.

When the water warmed I squeezed the hotel supplied soap into my hands and rubbed it all over my body, desperate to get the remains of the forgotten night off me and down the drain.

In amongst the loud sound of the shower running and the water hitting the glass walls of the shower, I heard the bathroom door creak open. I freaked out; I have no idea who I just had sex with.

"Morning y/n." A raspy and gruff voice came from the tall brown skinned man. His body had patches of black...almost like burns.

My eyes widened and I covered my naked body as he walked in and went to the sink to brush his teeth.

"Morning...uh...dude?" I wracked my brain to remember the poor lad's name, but nothing.

He watched me shower in the mirror as he cleaned his teeth, and once he was done he turned to face me with a smirk. "Mind if I join?"

I blushed a bit, still feeling slightly aroused from what I assume to be the events of last night. I nodded.

His devilish grin grew even wider as he reached for the silver knob of the glass shower wall.

"Can I have your verbal consent to have sex with you?" His voice sounded like death itself, like the underworld would reach out and steal me at any moment.

"Well, I..."

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