Chapter 4- Small Town Diners, Catching Up and A Cute Boy

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Trevor opted to ride with the Winchesters when everyone decided to head over to Spinner's for dinner, wanting to catch up with his old... friends?? Acquaintances??

Yeah, he's still not sure how to label his relationship with them.

"Wait, so, you mean to tell me that you guys have died and come back several times now, have faced angels, demons, and even the Greek gods, you once went inside Scooby Doo." Trevor listed. "Oh, and you guys killed God, and the new God is basically your child."

"Yep." Dean nodded before he smirked as they parked. "Oh, and by the way, since the last time we saw each other... I killed Hitler."

Sam sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, while Trevor blinked at him. "W-what??"

"Yeah, um. We, uh, also had our share of fighting modern day Nazis. One of them got possessed by Hitler's spirit. By capping him in the head, Dean did, in fact... kill him."

"You... you actually killed the most evil man in history?" Trevor slowly asked Dean, who gave him a big grin. "Um... thank you?" The teen replied, though his statement came off as more of a question.

"You're welcome."

"You are never going to stop bringing that up, will you?" Sam asked him with narrowed eyes.

"What? It's a cool story!" Dean defended himself.

"I know that, but must you always bring it up? Mind you, with Jody, you went on with this for like, 5 hours."

"I can't share my glory with people??"


As the brothers bickered, Trevor looked out the window, and his eyes immediately went to a pretty girl with dark brown curly hair and light green eyes wearing a uniform related to the restaurant and was also wearing skates.

Fuck... she's pretty cute.

"Wow." Dean commented, snapping the boy out of his trance. "Not even a day in, and you're already falling in love."

"I am not." Trevor retorted, undoing his seat belt. "But, I supposed getting a job here wouldn't be that much of a bad start."

The brothers shared a confused look before they saw the "help wanted" sign posted on the window.

"Alright, you do you." Sam nodded just as Trevor got out of the car and made his way over to the restaurant.


Trevor opened the door to the restaurant, and almost immediately bumped into someone by accident. He almost shivered at the feeling of something wet hitting his shirt.

"Shit!" A young male voice cried out. "I'm sorry!"

Trevor blinked once before he saw who had bumped into him. It was a boy his age. Pale skin like himself, light brown hair, and had the most beautiful hazel colored eyes he's ever laid eyes on. Height wise, this guy reached his shoulders, making it rather easy for Trevor to tuck his head on top of his (if he wanted to, of course!). The boy was wearing a white Queen (the band) sweatshirt, blue jeans and white sneakers.

And was currently holding a now empty cup of Coke.

"Oh god, I am so sorry!" The boy apologized with a small frantic look on his face his face. "I-I didn't mean to-"

"Woah, woah!" Trevor put his hands up as a sign to try to calm the other boy down. "It's okay! Really!" He said with a small chuckle. "I have other shirts at home."

"Oh..." the boy looked a bit relieved in hearing this, but he still looked apologetic. "But still, sorry about that."

"Nah, don't be." The taller boy dismissed with a small hand wave. "I should've been watching where I was going." He said.

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