Is it my fault?

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Taylor and Travis have a 14 yr old daughter named Berkeley and a 6 yr old daughter named Blakeleigh.
PS, I know the math doesnt make sense but idc I was never good at math so whatever.


Berkeley's pov:
Today was the first day of school and I was awakened by my little sister jumping on my bed. "Sissy get up its the first day!!" She yelled. "Blakey it's 6:30 in the morning, school doesnt start until 8. let me sleep a little more." I said covering my face with a pillow. I didnt get a whole lot of sleep last night since my best friend took her life a month ago. I still cant believe she is gone forever and now I wont ever hear her voice or see her smile. "But mommy and daddy said to come and wake you up." She frowned, I sighed reluctantly, "Ok, go tell them im awake." I smiled and gave her forehead a quick kiss. She smiled her adorable smile and scurried off into the hallway. I love my sister with my whole entire heart, she could make me forget everything just by looking at her. I got out of bed and rubbed my eyes. I walked into my bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face before I changed into the outfit I picked out last night.

Its still really hot out, but I cant let anybody see my thighs

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Its still really hot out, but I cant let anybody see my thighs. A few days ago I started cutting myself and im not proud of it in any way but I cant stop. Everything hurts too much. After I was done changing I did a blowout for my hair and did my makeup. I walked downstairs to see that everyone was already eating. "Nobody told me we were already eating, I would have been quicker." Mom smiled, "Honey I called your name 5 times, you didnt answer so I just left you alone." I nodded and sat down infront of my plate. Even though I didnt want to eat, I had to because ever since a few months ago my mom has been watching me like a hawk around food, no matter where we are. "Im gonna go grab my bag real quick." I said and my dad looked at my mom. "No you're not you're going to sit your butt down and eat a little more." mom said soft but firm. "But mom im full." I said back. She gave me a look and I sat back down and ate a little bit more. I loved my mom dont get me wrong but sometimes she gets to be a little much. "Im so excited for today!" Blakeleigh said as she was smiling, "I wish I was still excited for school." I said sadly and mom gave me a sympathetic look. She knew I hadnt smiled my real smile since the night I found Zaida's body on her bedroom floor. "Ok im for real full now so im going to grab my backpack and leave for the bus." "Okay honey." my dad said. I walked upstairs and grabbed my bag, but before I went back downstairs I walked into my bathroom. I looked at myself and whispered, "Come on Berk she would want you to be happy, she loves you." I smiled at myself and walked back downstairs. I packed my lunch and grabbed my notebooks that mom forget to get last week. "Okay im leaving for the bus, I love you guys see you later!" I said before shutting the door. I Immediently put my airpods in as I walked on my bus. I went to MY spot in the back corner and looked out the window. I felt something hit my shoudler. I crumpled up piece of paper, I opened it and tears started to swell up. The note read, "Isnt it so funny that your bestfriend is dead." I sighed and got up walking over the the kids ignoring the calls from the driver. "You know she is dead because of you guys right." Olivia laughed, "Its not our fault it was her choi-" I cut her off before she could finish. "NO. My Zaida is DEAD because of your snarky and rude comments about her. I cant hear her laugh see her smile vent to her or do ANYTHING with her anymore because of YOU. I will forever hate you cause YOU took my bestfriend. The only person who understood me is GONE FOREVER." Olivia stopped laughing and her smile dropped. "I- I'm sorry." "No you arent cause if you were she would still be here." I said before walking back to my seat. I sighed and put my airpods back in and played my moms music. I could now relate to tons of her songs since Zaida died. The bus finally came to a stop and I got up walking into the school. Thats when I saw OUR spot. The spot where me and Zaida went to sit everyday for lunch; and suddenly I couldnt catch my breath. I ran into the nearest bathroom and walked into the furthest stall back and sat on the floor. At this point the first bell rang and I still couldnt breathe right, so I decided to call someone. But I dont know who so I looked through my recent calls with and then I saw Brittanys contact. I quickly pressed call and put the phone up to my ear.

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