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Yall I went to the mall yesterday and all I got was food, like why was I being a fatty but I love food so idrc😜

Travis and Taylor's eldest daughter Ava Grace is graduating with her highschool sweetheart. It's very hard to say goodbye to everyone, not only her friends, or her parents, or boyfriend. But her sister that she will only see three times a year; it's a bittersweet day since she will be graduating without her best friend.

Ava Grace: 18
Maxine: 12

Ava Grace Kelce's pov:
Today's the day, the day when I say goodbye to highschool and say hello to college. Im so scared, I am going to be all the way in california so far away from friends and family. I cried so hard last night to the point where I couldnt breathe. "Ava, honey you need to get up." My mom whispered in my ear. "I know." I sighed and sat up. "How did you sleep?" She questioned. "Good and bad." I yawned. Mom giggled. Maxine bursted into my room with a smile on her face, "It's time to graduate!!" She cheered which made me laugh. She jumped on me and I hugged her tight. "I love you Max." I said. "I love you too Ava." She said getting off of me and running off to her room. I got off my bed and walked into my bathroom. I set my phone up and started my live. "Hey guys!" I said groggily and put on some music. "So today is so bittersweet because im graduating highschool obviously but without my best friend, most of you guys should already know what happened but i'll explain for those who dont." I put on some concealer. "So my best friend, Luca was driving in her car down the highway when she saw a hitch hiker. Her being Luca she of course had to pick him up but when she pulled over by him he dragged her out and raped her." I swallowed. "The officers said she fought back before she was beat to her death. Believe it or not, that was almost 3 years ago but it feels like it was yesterday." I cleared my throat and continued. "I wish she was here today, and sometimes I dream that it's my wedding day and she is curling my hair while I did my makeup, because I cant curl my own hair for the life of me." I giggled softly. "Here's a picture of her. She is beautiful." I said as I showed a polaroid pic of us just a day before the accident. She was a blonde hair blue eyed goddess, who had the body of my dreams and every boy chasing after her. But she never let that come between us, I love her for that. "So anyway I dont want this to be a sad live so im going to continue. I am going to california to live out my dreams of being a pediatric nurse, I have wanted to be a peds nurse since I was six when I was in the hospital battling cancer. I've talked about having cancer on my page before so if you scroll a few videos down you should find it." I smiled as I applied my mascara. "Honey I just finished ironing your dress!" My mom yelled from downstairs. "Okay can you bring it up here please!?" I asked. I looked back at my phone and saw a comment about luca, 'She had it coming when she looks like that🤣' My face filled with rage. "No Jim she did not have it coming you have absolutely no right to comment on how she looks. She was assaulted probably by a man like you, and the worst part is that the cops havent caught the bastard yet, oh and I think you may have forgot who my parents are and what they can do to your career. Okay? So maybe think about that before you comment on my live, dick." I said angerly but still trying to stay calm. "Hey honey, here's your dress." My mom said and I smiled at her. "Thanks, wanna come say hi?" She nodded and stood by me. The comments were moving so fast I could barely read them but one caught my eye, 'Ew why are you showing that slut? She is so annoying and her music sucks ass.' "Omg im so sick of these stupid ass comments." I sighed. "Hey watch your language young lady." My mom said sharply and I laughed. "Okay so first of all my mom is not a slut even though she will always be called one because she has dated too many boys." I out air quotes at the end. "And second, if my mom was a normal woman and not a world wide pop star she wouldnt be called that stuff, and you know what they dont effect her anymore. But you guys just keep trying to get into her head, it's almost like you guys are more obsessed with her than her own fans and family." I said and my mom laughed. "Okay you need to hurry up and get changed we are going to take pictures in 10 minutes." She stated before she left my bathroom. "Okay guys I need to go but I love most of yall. I hope you have an outstanding day and make sure you make someone smile today." I said before ending my live. I got changed in my white dress and grabbed my cap that I costumized to say 'end of an era' and gown and phone before going downstairs. My sister was in a beautiful pink flower dress, mom was in a light blue dress, and dad was in a suit and tie. I giggled and hugged them. "You look beautiful sweetheart." My dad said giving me a kiss on the forehead, "Thanks dad." I said. "Now lets go take some pics!" I said excitedly. We went outside and took a few photos

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