The worst day of my life.

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Okay so no one asked for this but im doing it anyway😜
Same characters as last part.

Berkeley's pov:
It was 10:30 in the morning and Zaida still hasnt texted me yet, I was suppose to go to her house today and she would text me when she is home from her doctors appointment. Which she said would end at 8:30. I was starting to get more and more worried by the second. I was calling and texting her before I just decided to call her dad. I never liked her dad, he was so rude to her for no reason, and I wont even mention the drinking problem.

"Hey mr Roberts."

"What do you want?"

"Oh I just wanted to know if Zaida could hang out? She wasnt answering me."

"I dont know im at the bar but just go over there. You have a key apperently."

"Ok. Bye." He didnt say anything back just hung up. "Hey mom?" I called through the hallway into her studio, where she was laying on the ground doing something on her phone. "Yeah baby?" she asked as I walked through the door. "I was wondering if I could go over to Zadia's house. I can have Drew take me." "Yeah thats okay, just be home by 8:30 please." "Ok I will thank you mom!" she laughed and I ran to my room to grab my bag and the key to Zadias house. I texted Drew to meet me at the end of the driveway, and he did so I got into the car. "Zadia's?" I nodded with a smile on my face. "How did you know?" I questioned after a few minutes. "You guys hangout like everyday where else would you be going." Drew said and I acted offended which made both of us laugh. Me and Drew have been close like this since I was 3 so he was one of the people I trusted the most. 5 minutes later we pulled into Zadia's driveway and I hurried out of the car and to the front door. I didnt want any paps here. Drew waited for me to open the door and I gave him a thumbs up so he could leave. I walked into the 2 story home and took my shoes off at the door. "Zadia where are you?" I called through the house. Nobody answered. "Zai are you even here?" I called out again as I made my way up the stairs to her bedroom. I knocked and there was still no answer. I started to get worried so I tried to open it but it was locked. "Zaida please open the door right now you're scaring me." I said firmly. "ZAIDA PLEASE!" I yelled. There was still no answer, so I ran down the stairs and grabbed the lock pick kit that her dad has in the kitchen. Once I found it I sprinted back up the stairs. I started to try to pick the lock. It felt like forever but around 8 minutes later I finally got in. When I looked in I immedietly scanned her room to see that she had a knife in her hand and slices all over her. "NO ZAI, PLEASE! DEAR GOD PLEASE THIS CANT BE REAL!!" I snatched my phone out of my back pocket and called my mom. I didnt care were she was, I needed her right now.

"Hey ba-"

"Mom, I cant breathe. Z- Zaida sh- she's g- gone!" I said and started sobbing.

"What do you mean she is gone?!"

"SHES DEAD MOM! SHE BLED OUT!" I screamed in to my phone.

"Im on my way right now! I will be there in 2 minutes."

I just continued to sob and sob until I heared people rush up the stairs. Mom, dad, keleigh and miles. "Oh baby." Mom said as she saw hugging Zaidas lifeless body. I knew she was gone, I knew there was no chance of bringing her back and that kills me. "Mommy." I sobbed in my mothers arms. "My bestfriend is gone! What am I going to do without her, I cant do it!" "Honey she would want you to live your life okay she loves you and she wont ever stop okay." She said starting to cry now. "Can you guys call an ambulance but tell them they dont have to hurry, I want as much time as I can get with her." Keleigh nodded her head and her and miles went down the hallway to call emts. "Mom can you leave for a second I want some alone time to talk to her." She gave me a small smile and got up giving my forehead a kiss and walked out the bedroom door closing it behind her.
"Hey girly, I will miss you forever and ever but I know how hard life has been for you all these years, and I cant fathom living the rest of my life without you. But I know you want me to stay here to carry on your legacy but I dont know if I can, I love you so so so so much. I remember the day we met like it was yesterday, when you were sitting alone on the playground bench and I came up to you and we just started talking like we knew eachother for forever. I wish you didnt have to do this but I know all the pain got to you and you always treated the bullies with kindness no matter what. I love you to the moon and to saturn Zai." I said and I walked out of the room after I gave a kiss to Zaidas forehead, I got downstairs to see Zaidas dad. Omg he can not be serious. "Mr Roberts you cant be serious right now." I said not even thinking about what I just said. "Excuse you, MY daughter just fucking killed herself and its probably all your fault!" "OH MY FAULT WHO WAS HER BEST FRIEND HM? WHO DID SHE HANG OUT WITH EVERYDAY TO GET AWAY FROM HER SHIT DAD!?" I screamed in his face, everyone just standinf there and in the corner of my eye I swear I saw my mom and dad grinning. "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE YELLING AT SOMEONE OLDER THAN YOU!?" "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE FOR BLAMING YOUR DAUGHTERS DEATH ON ME!? WE WERE MORE OF A FAMILY TO HER THAN YOU WILL EVER BE! WE KNOW YOU NEVER LOVED THAT GIRL AND I WISH SHE WAS BORN AS MY SISTER SO SHE WOULD STILL BE HERE!!!!" I said that last part very loud and I ran outside the front door sprinting back to my house. I couldnt look at that mans face any longer and I couldnt bare being in that house were my best friend died. I got there way before my parents did and my sister wasnt home so she must have been at my grandmas house. I ran to my room slamming the door and putting my desk chair under the door knob since I didnt have a lock on my door. I jumped onto my bed stomach first and just cried. I heard my parents come in and they tried to talk to me but I just told them that I wanted to be left alone. So I sat there, in my bed for days. I barely ate or drank anything, and one day at 3 am I woke up with the sudden urge to write and sing. I quietly got out of my bed and opened my door. I looked around and walked slowly to the studio. I opened the door, turned on the light, and closed the door again. I had my notebook to write the lyrics in since my phone was dead. I sat on the floor for forever but at 6 in the morning I was finished.

Forever Winter
written by Berkeley Kelce
She says she doesn't believe in much she hears these days, She says, "Why fall in love, just so you can watch it go away?" She spends most of her nights wishing it was how it used to be, She spends most of her flights getting pulled down by gravity.

I call just just checking up on her, she's up, 3 AM pacin' She says, "It's not just a phase i'm in." My voice comes out beggin'

All this time I didn't know you were breakin' down, I'd fall to pieces on the floor if you weren't around. To young to know it gets better, I'll be summer sun for you forever. Forever winter if you go.

She seems fine most of the time, forcing smiles amd neverminds. Her laugh is a symphony, when the lights go out, it's hard to breathe. I pull at every thread, tryna solve the puzzles in her head. Live my life scared to death she'll decide to leave instead.

I call just checkin' up on her, She's up, 5 AM wasted. Long gone, not even listening. My voice comes out screamin'

All this time I didn't know, you were breakin' down. I'd fall to pieces on the floor if you weren't around. Too young to know it gets better, I'll be summer sun for you forever. Forever winter if you go.

If I was standin' there in you apartment, I'd take that bomb in your head and disarm it. I'd say I love you even at your darkest, and please don't go.

I didnt know you were breakin' down. I'd fall to pieces on the floor, If you weren't around. Too young to know it gets better. I'll be summer sun for you forever. Forever winter if you go.

I'll be your summer sun forever, At 3 AM pacin' . All this time I didn't know, At 5 AM wasted. I'd fall to pieces on the floor. Forever winter if you go.

She says she doesn't believe anything much she hears these days. I say, " Believe in one thing, I won't go away."

I suddenly heard someone behind me and it was my mom. "Jeez mom you scared me!" I said. "Im sorry baby im just happy to see you out of bed." I nodded giving her the weakest smile ever. "Hey baby? Do you maybe want to sing that to her at her funeral?" Mom asked after a while, I shrugged "You know what that is actually a really good idea mom." I said to her and she smiled.

And I did just that, I didnt sound as good since I was crying so hard. I was scanning the crowd the whole time. Most of it was my family, and family friends. I looked down at my piano and just wondered why her dad didnt even show up to his daughters funeral.

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