This can not be real pt2

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Keleigh Teller's pov:
"Enough!" I yelled. "We have been standing here for 10 minutes and you havent even noticed us!" I yelled again and Taylor and Travis went dead silent. "What are you guys doing here!?" Travis asked. I looked at Miles and he nodded. "We are here to talk to you guys about Vera." He said and we all sat down. "What did she do!?" Taylor asked annoyed and confused. "Of course thats what your mind goes too." I said and she cocked an eyebrow at me. "What do you mean?" Travis questioned. "We mean that Vera was talking to us and she mentioned that you guys seem to pay more attention to her siblings than her." I said calmly and they chuckled. Miles looked at me and then looked at them, "What the fuck you guys, yall used to be fantastic parents! What in the hell happened?!" Taylor just looked at Travis. "I asked what the hell happened with yall!?" Taylor shrugged. "Idk Vera seemed like she didnt need us as much anymore so we ask her to clean so she can help a little." I let out a breath to try and calm myself but I couldnt help it, my brain was about to explode with rage and confusion. "JESUS CHRIST YOU GUYS!! YOU CANT JUST TREAT ONE KID DIFFERENTLY!! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THATS AFFECTING HER MENTAL HEALTH!? DO YOU GUYS EVEN CARE ABOUT HER ANYMORE??!" Tears welled up in Tays eyes and Travis just sat there quietly fiddling with his hands. "Of course we still care about her; and who are you to question our parenting!?" Travis yelled after a while of sitting in silence. "Okay maybe you guys can talk to Kai and Hadley instead of us." Miles said and I nodded grabbing my purse and storming out of the room while glaring at Tay and Trav.

Hadley Teller's pov:
Mom came storming out into the living room and when she saw Vera and us she stopped. "Vera I thought you were taking the kids to get ice cream?" My mom said calmly. "I was but I forgot my wallet, um do they still care about me?" Vera asked quietly. My mom swallowed and walked over to her. "Of course honey, they just didnt know you were feeling like this. Do you wanna go talk to them after Kai and Hadley?" Vera nodded and grabbed her wallet to go get out of the house. "Okay they are waiting for you two." She said quietly. "Hey mom do I um- have to go up there?" I asked, "No of course not baby, Kai can go by himself." "Okay I just dont want to look at them right now, can I go with Vera and the kids?" She nodded and I walked off to catch up with Vera. "Hey Ver wait up!" I called out and she turned around looking relieved. "Why are you coming hads?" "Because I want to be with my bestfriend instead of her shitty parents at the moment." I smiled at her and she returned it. "Well lets go get that ice cream!" I said cheerfully and we walked off down by the ice cream shop.

Kai Teller's pov:
I took a deep breath before walking into the music room. "Hey Kai." Taylor said quietly like she felt ashamed. I waved and sat down across from them, "Okay im doing the talking. You will not talk until I am done. Alright?" They nodded and I continued. "Okay today Vera got into my car and looked like she hadnt slept at all. She was wearing makeup but her eyebags were terrible. When I asked her if she was alright she just said she didnt want to talk about it, and I left it at that." I cleared my throat and took a deep breath to stop myself from crying. "But in class she asked to use the bathroom and it had been 10 minutes and she still wasnt back so I went to check on her, and I found her sitting on the floor of the stall sobbing. When I looked down I saw a razor guys. A fucking razor, she's cutting herself because of how you guys are treating her and I sat down next to her to ask her if everything was okay and she told me everything about how you guys treat her and make her clean when she gets home after she was just at school for hours. I just cant believe you guys. I love that girl with my whole heart, I would take a bullet for her. Me, not you guys. She is your daughter and you gave her 6 good years before you started to treat her like shit. I am not judging the parenting but the way you discipline her is horendous. So what she had sex. That wasnt her choice you know. She was sexually assaulted and she never told you guys because she was scared. SHE WAS SCARED!! DO YOU HEAR ME!? SHE WAS ASSAULTED AND TOLD ME AND MY FAMILY BECAUSE SHE WAS TERRIFIED THAT YOU GUYS WOULD BE MAD!!" At this point all the color was washed out of Taylor and Travis's face, they were ashamed and I was finally getting them to treat my girl right. "Now I DEMAND that you guys will treat her like a fucking human being and not a servant or a maid. She has feelings too!" I said as I stormed out. I was fuming. When I came down the stairs I saw Vera, Hadley and the other kids standing there talking with my parents while eating their ice cream. "Hey Ver they are ready for you, but only if you are." I said softly. She nodded and set her ice cream down on the counter. She walked upstairs and I heard the door shut behind her.

Vera Lou Kelce's pov:
I walked into the studio and almost slammed the door behind me. "Hey baby.." my mom breathed out and I shook my head. "No, you dont get to hey baby me right now." I said as I sat down and she let her gaze fall to her lap and I saw a few tears fall from her face. "Look, I love you guys so much but I cant take how you have been treating me lately. I feel like shit and it's your fault. Im sorry for saying that but its the truth. You remember how I thought Alex was the love of my life. Yeah well he fucking assaulted me mommy. " I said as I started to cry softly. "He took my virginity and I didnt even agree with him. I never told you guys because I didnt know how yall would react. Plus we havent had a real conversation in almost 3 years. 3 YEARS! I havent had a decent conversation with my own parents in 3 years, you know how pathetic that is!? Its like my own parents dont even love me anymore, I just want to feel warmth and have loving parents again. Can you guys be that for real this time?" I said as I started to sob. "Baby give me your hand." My dad said and I put my hand on the table. He gripped it softly and took my moms hand aswell. "We love you so so soo much, we didnt know you were feeling like this. But we promise from now on we will treat you like our daughter." My mom said and I smiled sadly, "Pinky promise?" I said holding out my pinky to them. "Pinky promise." They said in unison as they wrapped their pinkys around mine. "Can I have a hug?" I asked unsure. "Baby of course." mom said as she got up and wrapped her arms around me and then dad came around and hugged me aswell. "So when are you and Kai gonna get married?" My dad asked and I giggled softly. "Theres that beautiful laugh." He smiled and hugged me again.

9 years later...

Kai Teller's pov:

(I would listen to yail when reading this bc thats what I was singing while riding this.)

There she was, my baby, my Vera Lou. Walking down the isle, to marry me. The love of my life, my soulmate was finally marrying me. I cried as I looked at how beautiful she is. Vera finally reached the alter and I reached for her hands.

It was time for vows, "Vera Lou Elizabeth Kelce, you are one of a kind. I have loved you since I was 6 it was the day my grandfather passed away and you were there for me when I wasnt there for myself. You are the sweetest girl to ever exist and I cant believe you're marrying me." She giggled. "Oh that giggle, I love when I am able to make you laugh because it's truly the most amazing noise ever. It is music to the ears and if anyone thinks differently they are crazy. When we met I was only 4 daus old and you were 2 days, but since that day I knew I was gonna make you my wife. I love how you look so effortlessly beautiful, and how whenever you see a old person eating alone you drop everything and walked over and keep them company, and your uniqe personality. You are so so soooo sooooooo caring Vera, and I will never ever, ever stop loving or caring for you. You are the love of my life." Vera was sobbing and so was everyone else, including me. "Well I guess it's my turn." Vera said making everyone laugh. "Okay, Kai Miles Teller, you are the one person who was there for me at my lowest. It was summer school and I was sitting on the bathroom floor and I just finished cutting myself. You walked in and immedietly you were at my side comforting me and understanding even though you never ever went through what I did, and I love you so so soooo much for that. I haved loved you since that day and even before that, it was the beginning of kindergarten at recess and I was sitting alone on the bench. Until you and Hads came over and invited me to play with yall. I knew since that day I was going to marry you. I love you Kai and I will never not." I was an absolute mess. Tears stained our faces and I didnt even hear what the guy said. I was just waiting for those 6 words. Until they finally came. "You may now kiss the bride!" He said cheerfully and I jumped at her and kissed softly but passionitly. Everybody roared with applause, laughter, and hollers. But I was only focusing on one thing. That was my beautiful wife.

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