Not again!

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Im just making this a one shot book where every chapter has a kid in it bc im writing a lot of things with kids, so yeah! The kids are Joe's children but they call travis dad.

Taylor and Travis are struggling miserably. Their triplets are upset seeing their parents fight over the tiniest things, they were once such a happy family. What happened to them? Will they be that happy family again? Read to find out!😙

Maeve: 13
Zion: 13
Aurora: 13

Maeve Kelce's pov:
Me, Zion, and Aurora are sitting in the living room watching 'the parent trap' it is our FAVORITE movie ever. We have watched it like 10 times in the past two weeks. "Why are you always doing this!?" We heard from the kitchen. "Omg not again." I groaned and Zion got up and pulled me and Aurora into his room. "What are you doing?!" Aurora asked as he shut the door. "It stinks in here, what are you keeping in here that is making it smell so disgusting!?" I said plugging my nose and Aurora giggled fanning the air. "Thats besides the point! Okay, next time they fight we need to confront them." Me and Aurora looked at eachother and then back a Zion. "I dont know Zion, they could get mad and start yelling at us." I said wearily. "Better us than eachother!" He said, "he's got a point mae." I nodded and sat down. "Okay what will we say though?" "We would just say like how they are always yelling at eachother for the stupidest things and not realizing what they are doing to their beautiful children." Zion said all poetically. Me and Aurora laughed. "Okay thats a plan!" I said as me and Aurora walked out and into our room since it was so late. "Hey Mae?" Aurora said later when we were in our seprate beds. "Yeah Aurora." "Can you hold me?" I didnt answer but I just got up and walked over to her bed, I crawled in and held her close to me. Even though we are all the same age, Aurora is the youngest so I had to look after her most of the time and Zi too. I didnt hate it but I didnt enjoy it, I love my siblings with my whole heart but I think it's a parents job to look after there children not the oldest. "I love you Aury." I whispered in her ear as she drifted off. She mumbled something and then her breath started to slow, I just laid there looking at my beautiful sister before I heard yelling. "Oh my fucking god." I huffed carefully removing my arms from Aurora and storming to my parents room. I opened the door and walked in, "Enough!" I whisper yelled. "Excuse me Maeve? This doesnt involve you, go back to bed please!" My dad said to me. "No absolutely not! You guys fight all the goddamn time and you dont understand what it's doing to your children!" My mom and dad fell quiet. "Oh now you guys are all quiet! You could be sleeping right now but no, you have to be fighting AFTER you put your kids to bed! We're sick of it all you guys to is fight and fight and fight, you dont care where we are!" "please honey go back to bed." my mom whispered sounding like she was about to cry. "And dad how could you treat your wife like this knowing what she has been through with that fuck face!? I thought you would be different, you're just like the rest of them!" I could tell that hurt him but I didnt care I just ran out, letting my tears spill out. I ran to my room and locked the door. "Mae?" Aury mumbled. "Shh, it's okay." I said crawling back under the covers and holding her close. "Are mom and dad fighting again?" "Yeah, but I told them to knock it off." I said rubbing her back. "Let's just go to bed and we can talk to them in the morning." Aurora nodded and we fell asleep.

My alarm clock went off at 6:50 just like every morning, because I go on a run and I make breakfest for Aury and Zi. I walked out of the room and while I was walking to the bathroom I saw my mom sitting on the couch on her phone. I tiptoed behind her and looked at the screen. She was looking at family pictures before all the fighting. Tears welled up in my eyes but I didnt let them fall. I walked to the bathroom and just started getting ready. I didnt do anything but slick my hair back and put on deoderant and perfume. I walked back into my room and quietly got changed. "Okay mom im leaving! I love you!" I called through the house. "Okay, bye baby, love you too!" I could hear the crack in her voice and I felt so bad how Travis could treat her like this; and yes im not calling him dad again until he apoligizes. Today's run was a clear my thoughts run so no music. I saw a few cameras but not that many given the time of morning. I think I also forgot to mention that we are in Hawaii for the month so it was so beautiful.

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