This can't be happening

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Famous daughter Betty Scott Kelce-Swift is at her public school, it's just as every other day except at passing time, Betty is walking to her 4th period class with her best friend Lavender, when they hear these pops go off right down the hall from them.

Betty: 15
Lavender: 15

Taylor Kelce-Swift's pov:
"Tay we need to get up." Travis breathed into my neck, "Just five more minutes." I groaned. Trav chuckled and rolled out of bed. I reached for him but he pulled his arm away. "Nope, we need to get up and make breakfest." I sighed and got up rubbing my eyes.

"Betty breakfest!" I yelled, "coming!" I smiled and plated up some eggs and bacon for her. "Hey mom, where's dad?" Betty asked me with a smile on her face. "He left already for practice." Betty nodded and sat at the table across from me. "You excited for the last day?" I asked her since I couldnt handle the silence. "Yeah we are watching movies like all day!" She said excitedly and I smiled, "I wish I could do that." I joked and we laughed.

"Bye baby! I love you!" I called as she got on the bus. "Love you too!" She called back, "Bye Tay!" Lavender, Bettys bestfriend yelled at me, I waved and smiled, then I blew a kiss to both of them.

Betty Scott's pov:
It was almost the end of the day and me and Lavender talked about our summer plans as we walked to our 4th period. We laughed about something stupid, that's when I heard the pops, I froze and looked at Lavender. She stopped laughing. People were screaming and crying and it was like everything just slowed down. "Girls!" A teacher yelled and we snapped out of it and sprinted to her classroom. It was packed. Her class and a blend of a ton of other students. As we walked through the door I felt something hit me, I looked at lavender and there was blood all over her. She was shot. "No! Lav!" I dragged her throught the door and slammed it shut behind me, people were crying and texting their parents. Tears streamed down my face as I reached for my phone with my shaky hands. I pressed my moms contact.

B: M-Mom!

T: Whats wrong baby?

B: I need you to know that I love you so much, more than life itself.

T: Betty Scott, what's happening!?

B: People have guns. Lavender is shot. Mommy I need you.

T: Oh my god. Baby i'm coming. I love you. Stay where you are baby.

B: I love you mommy, and if I don't make it out of this. Tell dad that he is my hero and that I love him with my whole heart. Tell the dancers that they are my bestfriends and that I look up to them so much, and please tell Sterling and Bronze that i'm just on a trip, I care about them too much for them to be hurt that i'm dead.

Another pop went off and it hit me. Right in the stomach.

T: Betty? BETTY!

The call disconected. I was about to let my eyelids fall heavy but I was awakened by someone picking me up. "Betty, stay awake!" The voice yelled. "Betty! It's Graysen!" "Where's Lavender!?" "I'm right here Bett." I smiled at her voice. Graysen layed me in his lap and talked to me, HE kept not only me awake, but Lav too. Someone mustve called the police because the room we were in was the first room they came in. "Hands up!" They shouted at us, I was too weak. "Take them, they can't live without eachother!" Graysen yelled motioning to me and Lavender. We were wheeled out in stretchers and I looked around, I saw my mom, dad, and sydeny m. I forgot they were hanging out today, their faces flushed with relief as they saw me. I was rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery, the bullet had hit my kidney and just barely missed the middle of my spine.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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