This can not be real.

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I got this idea from tswift4evr but switched it up for the most part!

Tay and Trav have 3 kids here, Travis is barely home though.


Vera lou: 15
Sage claire: 12
Zander: 10

Vera lou is having a really hard time mentally, it seems like she cant do anything right. She has always called herself the real cinderella. Her 2 younger siblings get all the attention from everyone, and she started to grow self concious. Vera is in summer school and is just a inch away from having to retake freshman year. The only people she can turn to are Keleigh, Miles, and their 2 children Kai and Hadley, they have always understood her and she loved them for that. One day she couldnt take it anymore and ran away. Taylor and Travis dont know where and are worried sick until they call Keleigh. What will happen next, read to find out🤗.

Vera Lou kelce's pov:
I woke up for the 5th week of summer school, I hated getting up this early and going to this place. All I want to do is relax but I can never do that. But I got out of my bed reluctently and walked over to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and hair, washed my face and did the rest of my skincare. I then picked out my outfit.

As I pulled my pants on my fresh cuts started to sting, im not proud that I started cutting myself but it makes the pain go away and it gives me a wave of comfort

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As I pulled my pants on my fresh cuts started to sting, im not proud that I started cutting myself but it makes the pain go away and it gives me a wave of comfort. It was suppose to get up in the 100's for the temp today but I couldnt wear shorts. I sat down at my vanity and clipped my already curled hair back so I could start my makeup. I knew that Kai did summer school and he always knew whenever I wasnt wearing makeup something was wrong. Me and Kai have known eachother since we were babies. Our moms got pregnant at the same time and gave birth in the same week. He was only 2 two days older than me but he never shut up about it. I loved him so much and our parents used to joke all the time that we would fall in love and get married; and if im being honest I wouldnt mind it all that much, he was pretty cute. Okay now im just getting distracted about old memories. Old memories that were happy, gosh I miss all the happy memories. I jumped when all of a sudden I got a notifaction on my phone from snapchat. It was from Kai.

 It was from Kai

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