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I had to confront Alice at that very moment. I had to find out if it was my name she had prepared to reveal to everyone the next day, she couldn't be serious, you know what everyone would think? They would think I was the dyke who lured a straight girl into "sinning," like it had always been, the stud always took the blame and the fem got excused.
She couldn't get me into that trouble, once it went out, no one would have believed what I had to say, they would all have believed her word yet it wasn't the truth. I reached their office and just yanked the door open, I matched up to Alice and held her by the elbow dragging her outside with me. I didn't' pay attention to the weird glanced from her workmates and some confused murmurs which erupted.
"Why are you dragging me? Jeez." I didn't pay attention to her whinnying, I just continued dragging her until we were in a safe place where no one was going to hear us. That was the bathroom, once inside I closed the door behind us.

I pressed her against the wall and looked straight into her dark brown eyes. I then drifted my eyes and looked onto her plump pink lips, she was beautiful, how I had never recognized how beautiful she was, was still unbelievable.
"Did you bring me here for a make out session or you missed me so much to go a session without seeing me?" That snapped me out of my trance and I focused on the reason why I had took her to there. "Don't day dream Alice, never will I ever willingly kiss you." That earned me a tight laugh from her. "Are you trying to convince me or yourself?" She fired back, but truth be told, I didn't know why kissing her was intriguing at the moment, but I shook off that weird feeling and composed myself.
I didn't give her a response instead I changed the subject or rather I got to the point why we were in the bathroom other than our offices.

"I need answers Alice and only the truth, don't you dare lie to me. Tell me, who are you in love with?" She just smiled and looked me in the eyes. "I didn't ask you to laugh Alice." Before she could respond a knock interrupted us followed by Anna's voice. "Valerie, I know you're in there, open the door or I'm going to burst it, after all my father owns the building." She sounded upset. "We're not done here Alice, see you in the parking lot after work." She just nodded her head and leaned in pecking my lips in the process, I just stood frozen into place and watched her opening the bathroom door with a teasing smile on her face and a small "hi miss Williams" was heard, but I was still too stunned to move even an inch, Anna entered but I was too frozen to even notice her presence.

"What have you been doing in here with her?" She questioned but I just stared at her. "Answer me Valerie." She whisper yelled but I didn't want to give a clear response. I caressed her cheek and in one swift move I  pressed her against the wall and kissed her passionately. "No need to go jealous on me, she just did something I didn't want, so I was just confronting her." I simply responded after breaking the kiss, I don't know why I kissed her, but maybe I just wanted to relieve some of her anger or mine, I didn't stressing myself further. "I'm sorry for getting jealous, I just don't trust that girl around you, I don't want to misuse my power but I could fire her if it wasn't against my professionalism." She said while looking at her feet like it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen, I touched her chin and forced her to look at me. "No need to get jealous over Alice, she's not your competition, after all I hate her." She nodded her head like a baby while pouting a little bit, I stifled a laugh, _she looked adorable at the moment._
"Let's get out of here before the workers start wondering what the boss is doing in the bathroom with her PA." I suggested while laughing lightly which she laughed at too and together we headed to our offices.

After some hours of working and exhaustion, my office phone rang which I received like my duty required and a man by the name of Richard Watson wanted to meet with the boss lady even though he had no appointment at all. I had to first ring the boss lady to see if I should leave him go through which she agreed to.
Richard Watson, was the name I was adding to the list of people I resented, he was a business partner in that company where I was working in and a total snob, he was arrogant and didn't respect women at all, he was a tall American dude who thought that every woman in Africa was a sex tool.
According to him, he had come for a business meeting and he was going to spend some nights in the nearby Hotel. So me being just the personal assistant, I had to assist him and spend a night with him at his hotel room since it was too cold and he hated cold nights alone. "You can't be serious Richard, Valerie over here is my PA and no one, I mean no one, can touch her because she's mine." That's what Anna told that vulture which earned a loud laugh from him, I started wondering what was funny.

"So you're sleeping with your PA? I didn't know you were a dyke too, but a word of advice, don't go telling everyone that you're using her for sexual pleasure or else they'll behead the both of you. Or you've forgotten that this is Africa." He said that while coming extremely closer towards Anna which jolted my protective instincts and stood between him and Anna blocking him.
"You might be important to this company, but not to me, one step closer to her and I burst your balls." Instead of backing away, that bastard just laughed at me while coming closer to me. "I can have the two of you for the night, you lesbians will be doing what lesbians do and I'll be doing what normal people do," He maniacally said while bringing his filthy hand to touch my lips. But before he could make contact with me, I held his hand mid air and punched him in the face. He came to strike but I was too quick to react so I stepped aside. But unfortunately the blow connected with Anna's jaw and she screamed in agony which boiled my anger and started assaulting him mercilessly. I was hearing a faint "Val  stop" but I was very raged to stop myself. Eventually security guards came in and stopped me from killing that bastard.

He spat out blood and he threatened to get me fired but my attention was directed to Anna whose face had bruised. I ran straight to her not paying attention to the threats from Richard. "I'm sorry princess, I'm sorry." I said while enveloping her into a hug. Afterwards, she broke the hug to inspect my hands. "Val you're bleeding, I'm taking you to the hospital right now." She started panicking. "shhhh look at me princess, I'm okay, these are minor wounds, we should get you some ice for that bruised cheek then afterwards you should take a rest, I'm going to carry-on from where you've Left." She tried protesting but I put a finger on her lips which silenced her. I helped her stand and surprisingly that bastard Richard was filming the whole scene. "A few edits and the two of you get beheaded." He laughed maniacally as if he had hit a jackpot

"I wouldn't do that Watson." A familiar voice was heard. "I'm sorry sir I should get going." He started panicking, I didn't know that he could get that nervous. He started going through the door,  "not so fast Mr. Watson, first hand over the phone." He did as instructed like a little boy. "I'll hand it over to you tomorrow during the meeting." He just nodded his head still as a good boy.
The president saved the day. "Call Jason for me." He ordered one of the security guards and in a few minutes Jason was already in the C.E.O's office.
"I want you to go and tell everyone to stay away from that guy who has just left the company doors," Said the President and Jason raised his worry "I'll sir but what will I say to convince them that he is really a bad guy?" Jason asked while staring at the ground clearly intimidated by the President. "That bastard tried to rape my daughter and Ms. Victoria over there saved her, that's why his face is tinted in purple and red, now go and tell everyone to stay away from him." Jason dashes out of the office to spread the new gossip, I found out his source of gossip, all along I wondered how he used to get all the exclusive gossip.

"You two release each other." That's when I remembered that I was still holding Anna. I tried untangling myself from her but she didn't budge and I had nothing left to do but to stay in the exact position. The president continued, "that gossip will cool down the one that has been circulating hinting on your not so "holy" relationship, if you two are dating you should stop making it seem too obvious, I said you should release yourselves, jeez you two are behaving like teenagers in love, I should get out of here, I'll see the two of you in my office tomorrow." The president huffed while getting out and Anna laughed.
"Come home with me, I can use some company."  Anna requested while giving me her best puppy eyes . "Give me a minute, I need to first talk to Alice." I said while caressing her cheek which she huffed at and looked the other side away from me clearly not happy with the idea of me meeting with Alice.
"Don't get jealous again, it's gonna be pretty quick." I reassured her to which she  just nodded her head to while pouting again. "No funny business." She warned me and I laugh while darting out of her office.

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