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Yn was second daughter of Mr nd Mrs raichand.the eldest was Rohan raichand. Mr.raichand who is father of yn nd Rohan belonged to royal family.

Yd was in love with rekha nd his family didn't accept it....even after begging alot yd's family didn't accept it.

So yd nd ym both runaway nd got married nd as eldest son he as to take over the king place but he gave it to his sister who loved her brother.

Yd's sister name is hema.

Hema:I will take care of ur kingdom....as u said but u have make dad understand that daughter can also rule whole country.
Yd:I will hema....but u will also have daughter nd ur daughter will be queen.
Hema:I'm not getting married again  bhai.....u know I can't be a mom after what happened to me.
Yd:don't be sad......God bless u.
Hema smiled nd nodded.

After that yd nd rekha runaway nd hema became queen.

Yd didn't told rekha that he is from royal family if she got to know then she will leave him....it's not like she hate royal family but his family is strong nd deserve better.

So he hid it nd started his own company that time the company was good state like he can raise his family well.

After few months rekha got pregnant with Rohan.yd got so happy......he wanted daughter but son was also great.

Then after 2 years rekha gave birth to yn.when yd nd ym saw her purple eyes they were shocked nd yd was more shock.

Because in his family history.......purple eye girls born every 50 years.nd now yn got that eyes....which means she will rule all over the world nd have many enemies.

Even though yd was worried for his daughter but also promised to protect her nd love her.

Yd used to love his both kids but he spent time with yn....making Rohan sad nd jealous.

After 2 years rekha gave birth to another girl who is Sana.

As years passed by both Rohan nd Sana were jealous of yn....their only question was why yd loves yn more.even rekha had Sam's question.

They can only see yd loves yn but they don't know yn was preparing for her hard nd dangerous life.seeing her features yd nd hema wanted yn to learn fighting family history nd business......

Yd took yn out leaving other 2.....the 2 think yn is going to enjoy her life but the real reason was her dad was training her to become strong.

Yn was raised by yd .......so yn is close with her dad.nd the other 2 were close to their mom.

Rekha got connected to her 2 kids nd had lots fight with yd about ignoring his 2 kids but he used to make her understand.

From that time ym nd 2kiids started to hate yn.....

Not knowing it's not her fault nd she is being trained to protect her family nd her people.

To be continued

Words 500.

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