Chapter 14- Loss

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Meher's POV

Ugh am I bursting with anger. I spent my whole life trying so hard to find my sister, not an evil person who is so selfish. I absolutely refuse to say she is my sister. Sure, the same blood runs through both of us but I refuse to say she is my sister. If she was my sister she would never do something like that.

She overreacted a lot after our parents died and even after she felt guilt if you would call it 'guilt' and even after she 'died' she still attacked the city therefore killing Millie. Millie was like my friend. She helped me a lot when I wanted to find my sist. . .I mean Harumi. But that was a waste of her and my time. I have to admit I did overreact. I mean like of course she wanted revenge maybe I was shocked? I am still mad. I'm not normally like this but this is outrageous. Lloyd managed to forgive her. Maybe I can too?


Lloyd's POV

This was. . .a lot. I know how Meher feels with the temper. It's the worst but I know Harumi and Meher are sisters, they are always going to love each other. Me and Kai always get annoyed with each other but we're still like brothers. Sibling bonds can never break, Cole had told me.

Harumi has fallen asleep somehow in this cold and damp prison. Meher also fell asleep in the corner. I however cannot fall asleep not because of the cold, well maybe partly but the main reason is what Zeatrix is up to because I have a bad feeling about it.


Harumi's POV

I was awoken by a shrill voice. I had a massive migraine and the lack of food and warmth was not helping. My eyes adjusted from the sudden light and I made out a figure outside the cage. Zeatrix. I looked around and saw Meher and Lloyd awake.

"Oh Ninja," Zeatrix said in a happy voice

"What do you want and why do you have such a stupid smirk on your face," Meher snarled she was already in a bad mood

"Oh child, do you not know that feeling of achieving something?" Zeatrix replied, "Oh wait I forgot your a failure,"

"I am not,"

"Sure you are," She replied sarcastically

"What do you want?" I asked

"I'm glad you asked, I need you,"She said turning to Meher

"Me? Why?" Meher said a bit startled

"You are going to use you power and extract the jade crystals that are beneath us,"

"And why would I do that?"

Zeatrix just smiled. And 2 guards lifted out guns and pointed at me and Harumi.

"If you don't then you can goodbye to your friends,"


"Well then what do you choose?"

Meher looked at me with wide eyes silently begging for help.

"Don't help her," I mouthed at her

"No," She mouthed back at me

"Times up what do you choose?" Zeatrix said

"I-"Meher hesitated

"So you still haven't made up your mind? GUARDS,"

The guard nodded and pressed a button and trapdoors beneath me and Harumi opened up causing us to fall.


Me and Harumi woke up. I rubbed my eyes and realised we were outside for the first time in days. I saw guards surrounding us pointing guns at us. Well that's helpful. I saw a building in the distance and I realised that it was the building we were just in and Meher was still in there. I looked at Harumi.

"Where's Meher?"

"In there," said Zeatrix pointing to the building

"Wait if we aren't dead that means she chose. . ." Harumi trailed off

"Yup that's correct," Zeatrix said

Just then a jade green light came from the building.

"Finally she did it, Took her long enough I mean it is going to be the last thing she ever is going to do,"

Harumi's eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

"Well the jade crystal where keeping the building stable now that that's gon-"

Before she could finish Harumi had kicked her in anger.

"HOW DARE YOU," Harumi shouted at her

"Well I had to,"

"NO YOU DIDN'T!" Harumi shouted and kept on fighting but that came to a stop as the building crumbled a bit.

"NO!" Harumi shouted and tried to run towards the building.

"DON'T!" I shouted and held her back. She tried to get out of my grasp. But by then the building crumbled completely crashing to the ground destroying everything inside it.

"NO!" Harumi shouted again,

"HARUMI," I shouted. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. "She's gone," I whispered, tears building up in my eyes. Harumi fell to the ground, sobbing heavily. I hugged her, trying to resist the urge to cry too.

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